Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Lazy days

 I'm spending my days in my recliner, with my legs elevated.  Ned took pictures of my legs the first day we went to the doctor, and a week later when we went back and the treatment he is giving them, as well as the elevation, is making a big difference.  But I sure have no energy and haven't even come into my office for two days.  

Will I ever get all these letters answered?  The combination of the legs elevated and just not feeling like writing since Char died has made it difficult to think of starting to answer them.

I'm feeling stronger about sitting in my office, but somehow when I try to write something, I just can't.  

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

  1. What’s your guilty pleasure
    Watching NCIS reruns
  2. Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
  3. What do you do when you want to chill out after a long day?
    Well, I don't have "long days" any more.  I chill out in front of the TV.
  4. How would you spend your ideal weekend?
    These days, doing what I do every other day.
  5. Do you listen to podcasts, or mostly just music? What’s your favorite podcast?
    I have listened to and enjoyed podcasts, but haven't listened to many lately.  I just started listening to Jon Stewart's podcast.
  6. Do you prefer to go to the movies or watch movies at home?
    at home
  7. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
    So many.  I guess the Ed Sullivan show.
  8. What’s your favorite TV show now?
    I guess NCIS...I haven't seen enough of the new shows yet to have a favorite...but
    Outlander returns November 22.
  9. How would you spend your birthday if money was no object
    pay for Jeri & Phil, and Tom and family to fly up here to spend a few days.
  10. What’s your favorite season? What do you love most about it?
    Fall.  The temps are cooler and the upcoming season is winter.
  11. Do you prefer camping or going to the beach
    Don't enjoy camping any more.  How about a cabin at the beach?
  12. Which phone app do you think you use the most?
  13. Would you instead cook, order delivery, or go out to eat
    Order delivery
  14. How do you drink your coffee?
    Peet's French Roast, black
  15. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose
    I'm happy with our dog, Bubba

Friday, October 25, 2024

Saturday 9

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Me and Bobby McGee (1971)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here

1) The song begins with Janis telling us about a trip from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. Have you ever visited Louisiana? If yes, where did you go?
We went to New Orleans as chaperones for a jazz choir that was competing (they won).

2) She and her boyfriend Bobby hitch a ride with a truck driver and together the three of them sing "every song the driver knew." If you were to begin a singalong with strangers in a bar or at a party, what song would you confident everyone knows?
LOL.  I Googled "songs that everyone knows" and got a list of 100 songs, none of which I recognized.

3) Janis had a painful time in her Port Arthur, TX, high school. She was ostracized for her looks and her taste in music. If you could give advice to your high school self, what would you say?
Enjoy your time here.  Do as much as you can.  Make good friends.

4) She credited the blues and Bessie Smith, specifically, for getting her through her tough adolescence. After she became famous and mentioned Bessie in interviews, Janis learned Ms. Smith had been buried in an unmarked grave back in 1937. Janis rectified the situation by paying for a proper tombstone for Smith in 1970. If money were no object, what's something you would like to do for someone else?
This question would have been a lot easier to answer 10 years ago.  Today...?  Probably pay for Jeri's new car.

5) Because of her party girl persona, people were surprised that Janis had a domestic side and enjoyed talking recipes. Thinking of cooking, what dish would you whip up for our Saturday 9 potluck?

6) "Me and Bobby McGee" was written by the late Kris Kristofferson. Kris' life before hitting it big was varied, including time in Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, focused on English literature, and serving as a helicopter pilot in the US Army. Which career path do you think you'd enjoy more: academia or the Army?
Oh definitely academia.

7) In 1971, when this song was popular, the US Mint introduced the Eisenhower Silver Dollar. Think of the last thing you bought at a store. Did you pay with cash, plastic, or your phone?
I bought a t-shirt and paid with plastic.

8) England's Princess Anne turned 21 in 1971 and in honor of the occasion, she had an official portrait taken by fashion photographer Norman Parkinson. Who took the most recent photo of you?
Ned took a picture of me at the doctor's 2 days ago.

9) Random question -- There's a knock at your door. Who do you expect it is?
A UPS guy delivering something from Amazon.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Another day at Kaiser

So we went back to Kaiser to have my legs checked.  Ned had redressed them twice, but the blister was stll there.  We saw the two nurses who would be re-dressing them this time and they said that doctor needed  to look at it.  But my doctor was not in the office.  They figured she wouldn't really want to check of the legs, but they had to get another doctor to come and check.

We waited an hour for the doctor to come in for 5 minutes and then confer with the nurses, and send me to the wound care office in Vacaville.

My next appointment is not until November 7.  In the meantime, Ned will be taking care of the legs.  He has gotten a real in depth lesson in what to do and why,

I have to admit that there is a part of me which is feeling very guilty that he is having to do so much work on my legs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A note for Char

 This is one of those days when I miss Char...well, every day is a day when I miss her.  I watched Ned take care of my legs today...took about half an hour to wash, grease and bandage both legs in preparation for tomorrow's appointment at Kaiser.  I thought of how incredibly fortunate we are (a) that Ned lives here, and (b) that he is willing and capable of taking such good care of us.  I don't know what would happen, especially to me, if Ned were not living here.

This is the thing I  would have shared with Char, and not written as a journal entry.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Lazy me

 Ned wants me to keep my legs elevated as much as possible, so I've been spending most of the day in the recliner, with Bubba, watching TV and doing nothing else!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

doctor day

 I had  long day at Kaiser on Friday.  The doctor said she wanted to see the blister on my leg.  Ned and I got t o Kaiser shortly before my appointment, but I was so slow he went and got a wheelchair to push me around in.  What a difference!  Ned is so great.  He thinks of everything, has great ideas for how to do things, talks to the doctor (who is from Bangladesh and Ive never been able to understand her accent), asks the right questions, understands what is suggested and...best of all...takes pictures for me to put in my journal.

We got the blister examined and a (nurse? doctor?) cleaned it up and got it all dressed, showing Ned how to change the dressing, and asking us to come back in a week,

Then I had t old the doctor of my new problem, being unable to lift anything with any weight on it (even something like my coffee cup), unable to take milk down from a high shclf in the refrigerator, soe she sent me for an x-ray.

After the x-ray, I went to get blood work done.  They asked if I could give a urine sample, but I could feel that I needed to have a bowel movement, which is difficult to have without my bidet, so I said I could not...and then going out to the car, I couldn't hold the bowel movement, so had to go in my pants.

We came home and Ned did a good clean up for me.  I was so incredibly grateful for all he did.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

  1. What’s the best birthday party you’ve ever had?
    Hmmm....I've had some really nice birthdays.  I can't think of one that stands out from the rest.
  2. Where is your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
    Russia was our first big cruise and I really enjoyed it, though I wouldn't want to go back.
  3. How do you like to spend your free time
    Sitting in my recliner watching TV and watching the squirrels play in the yard.
  4. What’s one of your favorite bands?
    Lawsuit, of course.
  5. What is the cutest animal you’ve ever seen in person?
    I loved the baby koala I saw in Australia
  6. How would you describe your style?
    laid back, casual
  7. If your wardrobe could only be one color, what would it be
  8. What was the first concert you ever went to?
    In grammar school they took all the classes to various classical concerts at the opera house.
  9. What is the best book you’ve ever read?
    "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck
  10. What’s your favorite movie of all time?
    The Judy Garland version of A Star Is Born
  11. What’s the stupidest movie or TV show you’ve ever seen?
    The Apprentice
  12. If you could only have one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
    Dungeness crab
  13. What are your biggest pet peeves?
    At the moment, newscasters who refuse to report Trump accurately and make him sound like he could be the next president.
  14. Are you more into brains or looks?
    Definitely brains
  15. Do you celebrate any holidays? What’s your favorite?
    We celebrate all the normal holidays.  My favorite is Thanksgiving, because all that is necessary is food, no gifts.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Saturday 9

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Autumn in New York (1947)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Frank Sinatra sings that autumn in New York is inviting. How are you enjoying fall where you are?
We don't get "fall" the way many places do, but I am enjoying no more triple digit temperatures.

2) He tells us the "canyons of steel" (aka skyscrapers) make him feel like he's home. What's something you love about your neighborhood?
It's a plain neighborhood street with nothing special about it.  I can't think of anything I "love" about this neighborhood.

3) Frank Sinatra was self-conscious about the scar on his cheek. The doctor used forceps to deliver him and left a mark. Tell us about one of your scars.
I used to have a scar on my arm, when I cut it carrying a box with a high school friend, but it has disappeared now.  I can't think of any other visible scar I have.

4) Frank was a creature of habit. Every time he visited Patsy's Italian Restaurant in New York he ordered the same dessert: lemon ricotta torte. Do you enjoy trying new dishes, or do you prefer to stick with your old favorites?
It depends on the description.  Probably mostly old favorites, but I'm willing to try new dishes if they sound delicious.

5) "Autumn in New York" was written by New Yorker Vernon Duke during a hot summer vacation in Westport, CT. Have you ever been homesick?
I always get homesick the third week of any vacation that we take.  2 weeks is plenty for me.

6) In 1947, when this recording made the Top 30, Daniel and Patricia were the most popular baby names. Are there any Daniels or Patricias in your life?
No Daniels that I can think of, but a couple of Patricias (one of whom just died last week)

7) Elton John was born in 1947. When you think of Elton John, what's the first song that comes to mind?
The one he sang for Princess Diana.

8) Radio was America's most accessible form of entertainment in 1947 and a mystery, The Adventures of Ellery Queen, was one of the most popular shows. Do you enjoy mysteries?
Mysteries and crime dramas are the thing I watch most on TV...and read most.

9) Random question: What were you most excited about when you woke up this morning
How many hours I'd slept last night.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

names / passwords

 Good lord.  Trying to get anything done on the internet these days is a pain.  Passwords I have used automatically for years suddenly don't work and I have to reset the password...for several different accounts.  I even have a book with all of my passwords written down, but those apparently aren't recognized by the account(s) that have recognized them for years.

I have a blister on my leg.

Ned is taking care of it, protecting it and wrapping my leg and elevating my legs all night, as I slept in the recliner.  But he doesn't know if I should see a doctor.

It used to be so easy.  Sign into Kaiser and send an email to your doctor.  But they removed that feature months ago and you can no longer send an email to your doctor.  I called Kaiser today and complained and she said she would send me directions for how I could write to my doctor.  Only the Kaiser web site would not let me sign on.  I had to change my password (the password I've used forever) and it was so incredibly complicated.  I eventually got it "changed" to the password I've been using and the site finally recognized me.

That's when I found out that you CAN write to your doctor. It's more complicated than it used to be, but I was able to write to her and send her a picture of my blister.

In the meantime, I am going to be staying off the computer today and just sitting with my leg elevated, watching TV.

* * * *

So I got up from my recliner and went to the bathroom.  I just sat down on the toilet, when my phone, which was on my walker in the hall, rang.  I couldn't get to it in time and when I checked it was my doctor who left a message that since she couldn't reach me, she would call Ned.  Then the phone rang in my office (the one we use for solicitors) and I assumed she couldn't reach Ned and was calling that number.  I got into my office just as the phone stopped ringing.  Then my phone rang again and it was her (Ned, by this time, was coming into my office to drop off some packages and he hadn't heard his phone ring).  Anyway, I did finally talk with her and we have an appointment tomorrow at 9.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Ned and Marta always name their cars, so when they got this new Prius from Char, it seemed logical to name it.

I sent the picture to Char's kids and got reports that she would have loved it, and it made them teary.  Made me teary too!

Her death still doesn't seem real to me unless I think of something I want to tell her (many times a day), and would have texted to her and then realize that I can't do that any more,

I'm still at the point where I get teary several times a day, briefly, but I'm getting better.

Looks like her memorial service will be in December, after Christmas, which is great because Jeri will probably still be here, since she and Phil are coming out for Christmas.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Stage Mother

 Today I felt like a stage mother.

It's Tuesday, and on Tuesday Ned and Clyde have their weekly radio show, which I always listen to.  It's from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Then at 4 p.m., Jeri and her friend David McGrory were doing their annual concert, which is streamed by Berklee, so I watched that.  (Woodwind multi-instrumentalist Jeri Sykes and pianist David McGrory bring the tradition of "doubling," common in jazz and theater, into the world of classical music, presenting an evening of chamber music performed on a variety of instruments.)


Monday, October 14, 2024

Missing texts

 It's going to take a long time before I don't miss being able to write to Char.  There were so many things I wanted to tell her about our trip to Santa Barbara, for example.

One thing was about granddaughter Brianna.  I haven't really seen her the last few times we have been to Santa Barbara.  As a teenager, she preferred to stay in her room upstairs than mingle with the visiting relatives.  So when I saw her on this trip, at first I didn't recognize her!  She looked so different (though in this picture there is no doubt that she is Tom's daughter!).  That made me feel sad because it meant that I had lost all connection to her (and she didn't talk to me at all this time around).  Char had such incredible relationships with her grandchildren and it made me sad that I don't have that.

The good thing, though, was that what with when we were in Santa Barbara in July, and on this trip, I had a good visit with Lacie, who previously had ignored me.  We had matching pants, for one thing (lol), we played cards and when I was leaving to go home, she ran outside to hug me.  Now THAT was a novelty and made me feel very good.

There were other things I wanted to share with Char, mostly how "old" I felt in Santa Barbara.  Knowing how she had been feeling prior to her death and the things she told me about how her body was failing, I wanted to share with her how I felt.

If I was lucky, I might have seen her twice a year in the past few years because we lived so far apart, so I won't miss seeing her, but I sure will miss our emails and texts.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

1. What do you hope your last words will be?
I love you.

2. What do you spend the most time thinking about?
This week it's my best friend, who died on Tuesday.

3. What is something you can never seem to finish?
Cleaning my office!

4. What mistake do you keep making again and again?
There is either a problem with my keyboard or my fingers.  I keep running words together.  I used to type 130 wpm; these days I'm lucky if it's 30 wpm, with all the corrections I have to make.

5. What’s the best thing you got from your parents?
I got my father's humor.  I wish I had gotten my mother's ability to be a hostess.  Probably I got my card playing fascination from her.

6. What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?
I don't know that there is a best thing about being in my 80s.  The worst is definitely the death of friends.

7. What do you wish your brain was better at doing?

8. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be?
We lived halfway between the Ghirardelli chocolate factory (when they made chocolate there), and a coffee roasting company and I often went to school with the smell of mocha in the air.  I also love the smell of the mechanics of cable cars, which were a block from where I grew up and which I rode to school in high school.

9. What have you created that you are most proud of?
Other than my children, the book I wrote about The Lamplighters theater company.  I can look myself up in the Library of Congress.

10. What were some of the turning points in your life?
*leaving school and working for the Physics Department at UC Berkeley
* getting married
* having children
* hosting foreigners
* traveling
* volunteering with The Lamplighters

11. What song or artist do you like but rarely admit to liking?
I always admit to liking Judy Garland, less frequently liking John Denver

12. What small impact from a stranger made a big impact on you?
My son and I got a flat tire at night, driving home from San Francisco.  I tried to change the tire, but the car slipped off the jack.  We hoped for a police car to come along but found out later that it was miles away and would not have come near us for hours, but a car saw us, got off at the next stop, came back and picked us up (so scary getting into a stranger's car!) He took us to the nearest restaurant, gave me money to buy food for Paul and refused to give me his name so I could repay him.  It was definitely a play it forward moment for me. (this was before we had cell phones)

13. As you get older, what are you becoming more and more afraid of?
Well, dying, of course, but more becoming unable to function.  I am so lucky that our son lives with us!
These days, I am terrified that Trump will win the upcoming election.

14. What are some of the events in your life that made you who you are?
Definitely working with The Lamplighters.  Giving birth to 5 children.  Hosting 70 foreigners from 14 different countries.  Many of our travel experiences.  Working for the local newspaper for many years.

15. What could you do with $2 million to impact the most amount of people?
My sister-in-law and her husband have worked with a group to bring fresh water to places in Africa.  I think any opportunity to bring fresh water to an area would make the biggest impact.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday 9

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Jolene (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Dolly Parton sings about a woman with great hair, great eyes, a great smile and a great voice. OK, so Jolene has it all. Of these, which is your most attractive feature: your hair, your eyes, your smile or your voice?
It used to be my hair, and I guess it still is, though it's not as attractive as it used to be.

2) Dolly tells us her husband mentions in Jolene in his sleep. Do you talk in your sleep?
I don't know.  Nobody has ever told me I do and I don't stay awake to listen.

3) Dolly has said this song was inspired by a bank teller she caught flirting with her husband. That was in the 1970s. Today we can do our banking from our computers, our phones or a bank ATM. When is the last time you spoke to a banker?
A couple of years ago when we had Ned added to our account.

4) Dolly had a crush on Johnny Cash. When she was just a teen she saw him perform at The Grand Ole Opry and called it "love at first sight." Are you crushing on anyone right now?

5) Dolly is more than a singer/songwriter. She's an industry! Her Dollywood is a theme park, water park, hotel and spa. Looking back on the summer of '24, did you visit a theme park, water park, hotel or spa?

6) A luxury stay at Dollywood can get expensive, unless you're the teacher who wins this year's Chasing Rainbows Award from Dolly. She treats a deserving teacher to a week at Dollywood. Tell us about a teacher who made a difference in your life.
I've talked about Sister Anne before.  She was my typing teacher in my junior year in high school, but she became a friend for the rest of her life and our daughter is named after her.  At one point was going to enter the convent because of her, but she talked me out of it.  Sister Mary William put me on the yearbook staff and made me feel comfortable with my writing.

7) Dollywood is in Sevier County, TN. Her ties to the community are strong, and in 2007, Dolly raised the funds to build a new hospital that opened there in 2010. When you were last in a hospital, were you a patient or a visitor?
The last time was probably 3 years ago, when I had my gallbladder  removed.

8) In 1973, when "Jolene" was popular, Elvis' "Aloha from Hawaii" concert aired. "Aloha" is the native Hawaiian word used when greeting or parting. Can you say anything else in Hawaiian?
How about 
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (a trigger fish).  There was a time many years ago when I wanted to learn Hawaiian, but I can't remember anything else now except mele kalikimaka, Merry Christmas

9) Random question: Have you more recently eaten cold pizza or cold fried chicken?

Friday, October 11, 2024

But she's still around

So we had clam dip for two days.

And then today, Jeri sent this... 

She made pumpkin pie.

A Facebook friend sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

Then on Jeopardy tonight was a question that Char would have needed to know and I would have written to her about it, about a pendulum, which Mike used to talk about.

Wheel of Fortune contestants this week are all best friends and each pair is talking about how they met and how close they are to each other.

Her daughter Tavie wrote a beautiful piece about her and included several photos on Facebook. 

All day I keep thinking of things I want to tell her and I had a hard time sleeping because I kept crying.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Clam dip

 Pumpkin pie, Mexican won ton and clam dip.  The foods I associate with Char.

I told the story of pumpkin pies yesterday.  Mexican won ton was a recipe we found on Sunset magazine.  It was a mixture of hamburger, sausage, cheese and various spices, and folded into Chinese won ton skins and deep fried.  You served it with guacamole.  It was a favorite whenever we went to any sort of social gathering...one or the other of us made it.  In fact, one of the reasons "Trifles from Tiny Tots," the cookbook we put together as a fund raiser for the kids' nursery school, was written was because so many people wanted the recipe for Mexican won ton.  We ended up putting all of our favorite recipes in it (as well as many recipes from other parents at the school) so we would have them all in one place.  It's one reason the cookbook is such a good one.

But it's clam dip that became the most popular hors d'oeuvre for our Pinata group get togethers.  One of us would make a big bowl of it, to be served with potato chips.  I made it with just cream cheese and minced clams, plus some of the juice from the clams.  I believe she may have added some other ingredients.  But we would put the big bowl out and immediately the kids gathered around.  I can't remember, in all honesty, if the boys ate more than the girls did, but we always told the boys not to "hover," meaning they could take a couple of chips with dip but then had to leave for a bit before they could take more.  The boys always complained that the girls got more than they did.

It seemed appropriate to see this on the kitchen counter this morning.

How better to remember Charlotte than with clam dip.  Ned made it and brought me a bowl of chips and dip at lunch  time.

The nice thing about eating clam dip and chips when you are alone is you can hover all you want.

Miss you, Char.

# # # # #

As I was writing this, I received news that Pat Lange, who taught Jeri how to play piano decades ago, has died.  We just saw her at a birthday party a month or so ago and she looked very sad the whole time.  She made a huge difference in our lives and in the lives of so many others.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Charlotte has been my best friend for more than 60 years.  She died today and I'm not sure what I am going to do without her in my life.

I first met her when I moved into a dorm at UC Berkeley.  There were two dorms in one building.  I was in the smaller dorm, she was the grad resident of the larger dorm and I knew from the very beginning that she didn't like me and tried to avoid her.

Then I met her at the Newman Center, where I spent most of my time at Berkeley, and we became friends.  I lived with her and Mike for about a year when I was trying to pay some bills.  I shared a bedroom with baby Tavie, who woke me up every morning, jumping up in her crib and laughing at me.  I would take her to Mike and Char's bedroom and then get dressed for work...when I walked down the hall to the front door, the cat grabbed my legs and gave me runs in my stockings (he gave me stockings for Christmas)

When she and Mike moved to Alaska with two toddlers, I wrote to her every day.  They were living in a log cabin in the winter (it was -50 degrees the day she landed in Fairbanks...she was born and raised in San Francisco).  She told me later it was my letters that got her through that winter.

We each had five kids.  Her two oldest were born before Walt and I got married, but Jeri and her Jenny were about  6 weeks apart in age.  We raised our kids together, lived near each other, watched the same soap operas, went to the same nursery school and grammar school until we moved to Davis and they moved to Palo Alto.  Ned and I were talking tonight about how this isn't two families, but one family.  In fact, while her daughter Jenny texted me about Char's death, I learned about it first from Ned, who heard from her son Tim.  Later Jeri told me she had spoken with Jenny.  

Char and I did all sorts of things together.  We learned how to make candles and filled her kitchen with wax.  We learned how to make bread and spent a lot of time testing out different flours (and learned to cook with sourdough starter).  We went together to get Christmas trees and found two wonderful, full trees and then realized that we had no way to tie them to her Saab so we managed to squeeze them into the car, and I rode covered by tree branches.  

I remember when we took our then 6 kids to the train to watch the animals being unloaded for the circus.  We followed them to the place where they would perform and got trapped between the cages with big cats and the parade of elephants.  "Watch out for that one--she kicks" the guy with the elephants warned us.

But our best experience involved pumpkins.  We took the kids to a pumpkin patch to get pumpkins for Halloween and when the holiday was over, Char and I decided to use the pumpkins and make pumpkin pies.  We did that for two or three years.  I was the crust, she was the filling and since neither of us had a freezer. we just gave them to neighbors and friends.

The third year we made 32 pies and Char said she felt so silly she would let me toss a pie in her face.  We gathered friends with a camera and staged a chase around the house, ending with my tossing a pie in her face (the dog loved it).  When it was over she said "you know what this means for next year..." 

The next year, I greeted her in rain gear, preparing to have a pie thrown in my face.  We did the same thing after we made our pies, only this time I was the one who got the pie in the face.

For two years, our kids had been watching their mothers and they demanded to have pies to throw at each other.  So the next year, we got little pie pans, made 9 little pies (her youngest was too young; David was 9 months old) and the kids filed out of the house with their pies and began tossing them at each other.  The longer it went on the better it got and there is a movie about it on YouTube.  (It was an 8 mm movie, which I videotaped so the sound you hear is the sound of the people watching the movie)

(Jeri said tonight she felt like making a pumpkin pie)

We were part of a group that eventually became known as the Pinata Group.  Five couples who met and married at Newman Hall, who all had kids and lived fairly close to each other.  We never had New Year's Eve parties, but wanted the kids (22 of them) involved and so we had New Year's day parties, and always had a pinata for the kids.  They lined up, youngest to oldest and the pinatas continued well into their adulthood, with the kids (now adults) still lining up as they did for so many years.

Our families did a lot of camping together.  Mike hated paved roads and we went an entire 3 day weekend over Memorial Day one year without seeing another car, visiting ghosts towns.  We both decided when we finally got to a road we would get out and kiss it.  At the end of one of these tours, we went to a Scottish festival.  Mike drove into the parking area first and the guy at the gate told Walt to "follow that car."  Walt said he'd been following that car for days.

We spent time camping in Death Valley.  One year we were there over Easter and had lamb fondu for dinner, since we couldn't have leg of lamb.  That was probably the year that the wind knocked our tent over and we moved the kids to Char and Mike's tent while Walt and I slept in the car.  In the morning one of the girls asked Walt why he had knocked his tent over with rocks (he had weighted the tent so it wouldn't blow away).

We did a lot of camping on "Eric's property," some land owned by our friends the Havels.  Tim discovered there were huckleberry bushes and we spent a lot of time over several years picking huckleberries.  At night, Char slept with her sourdough starter in the tent so she could make sourdough huckleberry pancakes for breakfast in the morning.

When the kids grew up, Char suggested the four of us take a cruise on the river in England and we went on a small boat (8 passengers in two different boats) from London to Oxford.  It was such fun that the next year she suggested that we take a normal cruise on the river in Russia.  We went on Viking cruises and that started out annual cruises.  Russia, China, Ukraine, the Danube.  We were going to take a cruise down to the south of France and we were meeting Char and Mike in Paris after they took a cruise in Germany first, but Mike got sick and ended up dying in Germany.

Following Mike's death, we took our only ocean cruise, up the Mediterranean.  Viking let Char travel alone.

We haven't seen a lot of each other in recent years.  We live 100 miles apart and when we want to visit, we meet at Fentons creamery where we have crab salad sandwiches and malts.  In fact, the last time I saw her was in May, when Jeri surprised me by taking me to Fentons, and arranging for Char and the girls to meet us there.

After Ned was in an auto accident and needed to buy a new car, she offered  to sell him her Prius for $10.00.  He wanted us to all go down and have lunch, but she wasn't feeling well and didn't feel like socializing, so he and Marta went and got the car.

Shortly after that started a bunch of doctor visits which ended up with a diagnosis of cancer.  She opted not to have chemo (we had discussed that before.  We both agreed that at our age, to go through the discomfort of chemo just to prolong our life was not something either of us wanted to do).  But the cancer progressed quickly.

I could tell how she was doing by whether she did Wordle in the morning or not.  She has not done Wordle in the last two days and I knew that time was coming to an end.

In the days before her death, she was able to see all her kids (son Tim flew out from Maryland), her grandkids and great grandkids and her death, Jenny tells me, was painless.

She has been such a huge part of my life for most of my life and I am going to have a difficult time learning to live without her.

I loved her, and I never actually told her that until she got sick.

Maybe we'll have clam dip tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Time to go home

 Ned had convinced Walt to spend an extra few days in Santa Barbara and return home by train, so he (Ned), Marta and I took off around 10 a.m. to head home. 

We got a late breakfast/early lunch at a drive thru and then Ned decided we should go home through San Francisco, since I hadn't been there in so long.  What a wonderful surprise that was!

The city has changed so much since the last time I was there.  I don't have a clue what this building is, but I liked it so much I had to take a picture.

 And then we were on to the bridge, across it, and headed home.

We got here in time to feed Bubba, who was very happy to see us home again, though seemed confused that Walt wasn't with us.

Take-out Mexican food and then a nice night of sleep.  It was a good, long weekend, but we had such a wonderful time.

I read two whole books on this trip, one on the way down and one on the way back, plus some of the book Jeri and I are reading together while there (but I'm too far ahead of her so I have to stop reading that book until she catches up)

(it was over 100 when we got home)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Ah yes...the 49ers

 I don't know if I've ever watched an entire 49er game with Tom, who is the world's biggest 49er fan.  But there was a game today, and we all gathered at Tom's house.  I even found my Peanuts 49er shirt to wear.

We all sat around and watched the game...well, except for Pepper, who wasn't really interested.

The 9ers played an OK game and were ahead until the very last minutes, when the Cardinals kicked a field goal that won them the game by one point.

When the game was over, Lacie, Walt, Alice Nan and I played cards (Brianna had gone to work by then).

We had leftovers from the party for dinner and Walt got friendly with the dog...he really misses Bubs!

Another full day.  So nice to be able to spend time with the family, especially when we know it's so hot at home!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Party!


It was a fabulous party.  60 or so people RSVPd and not that many showed up, there there were definitely a lot of people.   Several musicians were there and there was a lot of music.

 Ned's favorite thing was teaching this little girl how to scat.

Joe did a lot of the singing and my favorite part was when he and Alice Nan did a duet.  Who knew she could sing so well?


I loved it when Ned and Lacie sang together...so did Tom when it was his turn to sing with her. (video of that is on my Facebook page)

So all things considered, it was a great success...and we even had cake left over.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Santa Barbara ... again

We are in Santa Barbara for another weekend.  It is Walt's brother-in-law's 70th birthday and he is throwing himself a huge party.  We knew we had to come.

We were also glad to leave Davis, where it is predicted to be 102 all weekend.  We were thrilled to hit the ocean and find FOG!!!

We arrived at Tom's house at 6 p.m., ready for dinner.  Brianna has a job working at a sandwich place, so we decided to get sandwiches for dinner. 

We just sat around for a few hours chatting and interacting before Walt and I went back to his sister's house to spend the night.