Thursday, November 4, 2021

A New Site?

Well, despite hours of trying, I haven't been able to "fix" Front Page and while I can still design pages, I can't do them the way I used to.  I'm thinking of moving to blogger, which most people seem to use.  I have several blogger sites already but moving Funny the World would be a very big deal.  I have to keep paying Google for my domain to keep all the past 20+ years of entries on line.

I checked out blogger and "" is not available.  It is a page with "Good morning Vietnam" on it and no entries. 

I tried and that is available, so I've registered it in case I decide to move to blogspot.

It would make doing the entries easier, but I will miss finding the right background each month.  It seems that most of the Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing people all use blogspot.

I'm going to kind of fiddle around with "funnytheworldcom" for a few weeks, with the idea that I might switch over to the new site on the first of the year. 

Of course, a miracle might happen and I might actually be able to fix whatever I did to Front Page and then everything would be fine.  But I suspect that ain't gonna happen.

I seem to be sleeping, finally.  Of course, being me I am not sleeping the  way normal people sleep.  I still have insomnia most of the night, but if I go to the bathroom around 5, I feed Polly and then get back into the recliner and have slept as late as 11 a.m.  (of course this cuts into our 10 a.m. walk).  But I seem to be routinely getting 5-6 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, with a 1 hour nap at some other time.  It ain't good, but it's better.  I'm feeling better...and getting a walk each day (even though it's only been 2 days!) is making my legs feel better too.

Polly finally had her nails clipped today.

It took about a month from the time I called to make an appointment until they could see her.  Ned was able to cut the longest nails, which kept getting caught in her bed, but now they are all nice and short.

I can't believe I slept all night last night.  I fell asleep between 8 and 8:30, got up twice during the night to go to the bathroom, and woke up at 8:15!  I turned on The Blacklist on Netflix, which was without commercials and would go from one episode to the next without stopping and I don't think I saw more than 5 minutes of each episode of that.

Of course this probably means I won't sleep at all tonight, but how great to have slept such a long time last night.


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