Sunday, February 12, 2023

Ha Ha Ha

 Wile looking at Amazon for something I saw this book, "Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: and all the Brilliant Minds who Made the Mary Tyler Moore Show a classic" by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong

I checked out the snippet that Amazon shows you and it sounded like a fun book, so I went onto Roku to see if somebody was showing the old MTM show, and sure enough, Hulu is.  So I got the book and started reading it, watching bits and pieces of the show as the book mentions it.

What a fun experience!  I was a fan of the show when it was on and finding out the problems it took to get it on the air and how nobody expected it to go beyond 13 episodes, much less 7 seasons...and how many Emmys it won for how many people was an eye-opener.

This series was to bring Mary Tyler Moore back into the spotlight since her career kind of plummeted after the end of the Dick Van Dyke Show.  

I'd forgotten that Cloris Leachman was part of the Mary Tyler Moore cast and I've been mentally singing the song by that name that Lawsuit performed ever since seeing her.

I was always sorry that Ned never watched The Big Bang Theory because the writing is so clever and the plots so good and it seemed to me that it was the thing that he would definitely enjoy, but he says he has stopped watching shows with a laugh track.  I'm so accustomed to laugh tracks that I never thought about it, but once he said that I find that the laugh track on The Big Bang Theory now bothers me, and the laugh track on The Mary Tyle Moore show seems even more annoying.  But I am enjoying those old shows. Probably won't binge watch, though.  I am binge watching Scandal and loving that.  Another show that was one of my favorites, and they have just started a Scandal podcast, which sounds like it's going to be fun.

I'm really getting into podcasts these days and discover they are great to listen to when I can't get to sleep, though I almost always wake up having slept through half of the podcast I wanted to listen to and into the next podcast.  Ally Wentworth may be my favorite.  Her voice is pleasant and she interviews interesting people  I've never heard of before.  I have found all of her interviews interesting, and am sorry that I fell asleep through so many of them!

I don't fall asleep through Says You.  They are putting a show a week up on their podcast and it's so much fun to hear all of the original panelists, including the ones who have since died, again.  
we listened to Says You on the radio for many years and saw several broadcasts in San Francisco and the Los Angeles area.  After Richard Sher (moderator) died, it just wasn't the same and I stopped listening.  They ended the show after 29 years, with Richard's son s the moderator (I remember the shows when he was born!).  We actually attended the final show, not realizing that it was the final show.  But it's like going back in  time listening to the show every week.

I also love listening to Jon Stewart's new show, which is updated on Thursdays.  He also has a video on Apple+ but that isn't posted as often.  I missed The Daily Show and now listening to The Problem is like going back in time, but with new material (and curse words not bleeped!)


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