Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Stolen from Compassion, Int'l.

1. Do you ever have funny dreams at night?
Sometimes.  I dreamed about the Mandalorian the other night.  I have absolutely NO idea what/who the Mandalorian is but I woke up with "Mandalorian" running through my head.

2. f you could make a law for your country, what would it be?
It would have something to do with regulation of gun laws or medical health of women.

3. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Oh how much fun it would be to hang around Mara Lago and listen to what's discussed.

4. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?
One of the writers on Jon Stewart's The Problem

5. What would you like to change about yourself?
Oh my weight, of course...but not enough to actually do anything about it.

6. What is your daily routine.
OK.  Get up around 5 or 6 and get coffee when Ned makes it;  Settle into the couch under the dog to watch The Today Show. The rest of the morning would be either sitting and watching morning shows or being at my computer writing letters or this journal.  At noon, have lunch, then settled back into the recliner under a dog and a blanket and turn on Criminal Minds which puts me to sleep and I nap for an hour to an hour and a half.  The afternoon is spent at my computer.  Ned makes dinner and we watch Match Game (from 1977) during dinner, then Ned and Marta go upstairs and Walt and I watch Jeopardy.  Watch TV until Stephen Colbert's monologue, which ends at about midnight,  Turn off the TV and post videos to 1SE and work the new Wordle.  Go to the couch in the living room under a fluffy quilt and try to sleep.  If I'm successful, I will wake up at 2 or 3 and move back to the recliner, where I will put on podcasts and hope they put me back to sleep.

7. What would your perfect day be like? What would you be doing?
I have been watching The Reluctant Tourist, where Eugene Levy travels and visits expensive hotels.  The hotel he visited that I would love to spend some time at is in the Maldives, and costs $7,000 a night.  The chef will cook you whatever you want, 24 hours a day and is able to get food from pretty much anywhere in the world within 24 hours.

8. How old were you when you learned to read?
I know I read before I was 10 but the first book I remember reading was "The Black Stallion," which my friend Stephen loaned me.  i became an avid reader from there on.  I know I learned to read very early because I was the only one in my 1st grade class who could read.

9. What is the most interesting thing you know?

Oh lord....lots of things.  Rachel Maddow's "Bag Man" is fascinating and something I never knew before.  I was just interested to discover that Jimmy Carter met his wife Rosalynn when he was 3 years old.  His mother was a midwife and delivered Rosalynn,  I also just learned today that some librarians count more than 500 versions of "Cinderella" found in Europe and more than 700 globally.  

10 What makes you nervous?
Riding in the car on the freeway.

11. What is your favourite flower?
The yellow rose or daisies.

12. Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?
I've ridden on a horse and on a camel

13. What time do you go to bed?
shortly after midnight, after I solve the latest Wordle.

14. What time do you get up?
2-3 a.m. and then 5 a.m., and then if I'm lucky, 7-8 a.m.

15. What is something that is always in your refrigerator? 
Butter, milk, juice, eggs, cheese, lettuce, sour cream and leftovers.



  1. Old Match Game episodes - I watched them at the time. But I do watch JEOPARDY, which I've viewed since my great aunt turned me on to it back in 1964!

    1. I don't know when I started watching Jeopardy, but 1964 sounds like a possibility. Art Flemming was the host then. We watch it every night and record it if we aren't going to be home.

  2. #1. If you like Star Wars, you will like the Mandalorian.
    #7. That hotel looks unbelievably good.




  3. I can't even imagine a $7,000 a night hotel stay. But wow, wouldn't that be great.

  4. For 7000 a night one could go and eat it!! When we go to London we always look for the cheapest way to stay... no hostel. 7000..a night! I could travel from that a whole year...
