Wednesday, March 22, 2023


We had a great storm yesterday.  It poured rain.  We had thunder and even hail.  It didn't last very long, but it was exciting while it was happening.  Bouncer has been peeing in the house more and more, so Ned has set up poo pads in my office.  He's not sure which is worse---cleaning the poo pads or mopping the urine off the floor.


So we are all finding out how the former president controls his followers.

He announces that he is going to be arrested on Tuesday, with no proof whatever, no word from the grand jury or anything, but he says he's going to be arrested and that his followers need to "protest" and to "take back  the nation" and all the Trumpers start ranting and raving about how unfair the Democrats are being to their president.

When he is not arrested, as he predicted he would be, he talks about how he is looking forward to being arrested.  How he wants his hands handcuffed behind his back and whether or not he'll smile for the photographers.  He's making a joke out of it.  

And you listen to Republican congresscritters who are saying how he's being targeted by the Democrats.  Have they even read a small number of the charges against him?    And the kinds of "crimes" other "normal" people have been fined and/or jailed for? (One woman was fined for using a fake COVID vaccination card so she could claim that she took the day off because of a bad reaction to the vaccination.)  But #45 is being investigated for financial fraud, spending thousands of dollars of  campaign money to pay off his prostitute.  Several of his employees who are involved in the pay off (and other illegal activities) have been found guilty, fined and/or put in prison.  Yet the president is joking about it and calling his followers to "take back the nation."

I want him to define "take back the nation."  Take it back from whom?  How?  And what happens after they take it back?                                     


1 comment:

  1. The man personally scares me. He has the power (under what authority I have no clue) to incite his "followers" to cause damage and riot. He's done it before, and I'm sure it's not the last time. I see "Trump 2024" signs all over where I live and it honestly scares me.


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...