Sunday, March 19, 2023


I was all set for a long sleep last night.  I heard on The Today Show that dark cherry juice helps you sleep longer, and that before you go to sleep, you should eat something with protein.  So I had a snack of corned beef and a glass of cherry juice and was sleepy and ready to go to the couch, settled under the fluffy quilt and hope I could sleep longer than 2 hours.

When I lay down on the couch I realized I was having a "twitch" in my foot. The right foot.  It twitched every 5-10 seconds and while it didn't hurt much, it did hurt and made it difficult for me to get to sleep.  All night.

I tried everything, from the cream I use for itching to ice to walking to massage to ibuprofen (which I knew would not work, but I was running out of ideas).  For some reason if I sat at the computer and did some surfing it stopped hurting but as soon as I got up and went to the recliner it started hurting again. I sent a note to Char, who was also awake at 2 a.m. and she mentioned having similar problems with her leg.  

There was absolutely nothing I could do to stop the pain and I turned on the TV to watch Sunday Morning at 6 a.m..  I finally fell asleep somewhere between 7:15 and the end of the show and woke up at 9:45, with no pain in my foot.  I don't know if this is going to be a recurring problem, but I'd sure like to find out what to do to stop the twitching. And what's causing it!

I'd also like to take a long nap....


  1. Drink a large glass of water and eat a banana, maybe? Dehydration and lot potassium were mentioned to me when I complained of muscle fasciculations a year or two ago. Worked for me (can take a multivitamin in place of the banana, of course). Hope it doesn't recur for you as it is certainly annoying.

  2. Frustratingly, I drink a lot of water and eat many bananas!
