Thursday, April 20, 2023

Internet frustrations

 I started a new project today, researching my family history.  I have 2 weeks free on Ancestry and I am trying to put as much information into the family tree as I can.

The cross at the left is of my great grandfather's grave in Santa Rosa.  Josiah was a writer and editor of the Santa Rosa newspaper. I obviously got the family writing genes.

The problem with Ancestry is I don't really have a clue (yet) how to work it.  I'm able to put some information in, but so far it doesn't link me to my cousin Peach's work.  She did tons of research on my mother's side of the family, but I haven't figure out how to link to her account/ I'm getting frustrated dealing with the internet.  

Yesterday I got an email from Aobbe Express, saying that my free trial had e nded and they were going to charge me for the next month.  Problem is I have no idea what Adobe Express is and had no memory of trying a free account.

I contacted the company and had a very long discussion with three different names, which I ultimately realized were probably AI.  They insist that I paid in February and that my free account started in March and I paid through Pay Pal.  They were using my old email address, which I have not used in about 3 years.  

I checked with Pay Pal and there is no record of payment from my current address and no record of payment from my old address, so ultimately I decided to just ignore it.  I didn't give any personal information to the AI.  I figured it was AI because the "person" would ask a question, which could be answered yes or no, but I added description and responded "Yes, I didn't get that." and repeated the question.  After 3 tries of trying to get my description registered, I figured out that the AI was not able to accept anything but yes or no.

I finally  gave up and will check my bank records to make sure no payment has been made to Adobe Express.  I'm not really even sure what Adobe Express is, but it's $10 a month.  Through the same page I could get PhotoShop for only $20 a month...that's $240 a year and I won't own anything at the end of the year.  I don't use PhotoShop that much and am learning how to work around it.

Now I have two weeks to figure out how to work aorund


                                                   PHOTO OF THE DAY

Today is the 24th anniversary of Paul's death


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