Thursday, April 27, 2023

My Coronation

 I had a crown prep done yesterday.  Charles and I will receive our crowns next month.

I've had crowns done before and have never had a problem.  In fact, when I needed "work" done (rather than just routine cleaning), I kind of enjoyed it because my dentist and I have been friends for more than 30 years, friends before dentist-patient, and when there is "work" to be done, she does it, rather than one of her hygienists so we get a chance to visit and catch up on each other's lives and families.

But she retired awhile ago and there is a new dentist now.  I was surprised at how nervous I was going to the appointment.  I'm never nervous before dental appointments, but I didn't know what she would be like and, in fact, I don't even know what she looks like because everybody wears masks.

The day started weird.  I brushed my teeth and was surprised that the toothpaste didn't taste right.  But I went ahead and brushed my teeth and then when I started to rinse the paste out of my brush, it wouldn't rinse.  That's when I realized I had brushed with Desitin cream instead of toothpaste!  Brushing again with actual toothpaste was much better...and it washed the Desitin out of my brush.

The hygienist took me back to the chair where the work would be done.  I've always enjoyed  the view out the window of the dental office.

I can watch people walking to appointments at other offices, see the greenery and it's just very pleasant.  There have also been colorful posters on the ceiling, interesting things like types of flowers or plants or insects, etc.  When I pointed out that the poster had been removed and that I missed it, I was told they were in the process of installing television sets as well, so that the next time I needed work done, I could watch TV while it's being done.

I was glad I'd brought my phone with me.  In previous experiences, as I said above, we spent time chatting about life and family, and I knew that wouldn't be happening this time so I had a book to read on my Kindle.  I did mention something about something David did when he was a kid and got a stab in the gut when she asked "and how old is he now?"  After all these years, I'm not accustomed to people in Davis NOT knowing about David and Paul.

The work took about an hour and a half and it wasn't UNpleasant, but I realized what a good dentist my friend is.  Things were done differently and I was uncomfortable--not from the drilling,  but from leaning on my lip, not suctioning my throat so I choked on water, etc., having to wear sunglasses to prevent lights from shining in my eyes (the glasses didn't fit over my other glasses and didn't do anything to reduce the light, so I just kept my eyes closed) All in all, not as "pleasant" an experience as it has been with my friend all these years, and I missed her.

I go back May 15, a week after Charles gets his crown to get my permanent crown.  I doubt there will be much of an audience for my coronation.


                                                   PHOTO OF THE DAY


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