Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Making Plans

So we're making plans to go to Santa Barbara for Tom's 53rd birthday.  We haven't been there in a year...I know, because we went just after we got Bubba and we've had him for just about a year.  When we were last in Santa Barbara, we brought Bubba with us.  He behaved very well, but did not get along with Tom's 2 dogs, so he had to be in someone's lap at all times, so we decided not to bring him with us this time.

But we also could not put him in a kennel.  He's such a lap dog that it would kill him to be locked in a kennel for so many days.  We've always had Ashley from the SPCA house sit for us, but we have not needed to do that in a long time in in the interim, she has married and her son is 3 or 4 now and so she is not in a position to house sit.

Ned put a notice on Facebook that we were looking for someone and Char suggested we try her granddaughter, who is going to UC Davis and living in Davis.  We checked with her and she is able to move into our house while we are gone.  It seems strange...I remember when her mother was born and now Haley is going to be taking care of our house.  Char wrote "The world moves on as the next generation takes over."

Haley came over to get the lay of the land this afternoon.  What a delightful person she is.  Bubba was a little intimidated and did some growling when she tried to pet him, but by the time she left, he seemed to have accepted her.  

It will be great to have her here because she can take care of the "garden" (as I call Ned's 3 plants), which is starting to show signs of growth.

I've been watching Indiana Jones movies because we want to have a family movie night while we are in Santa Barbara.  There will be 12 of us going to see the new movie.  You have to make reservations and you can only reserve 6 seats, so Ned and Marta will each reserve seats.  The last movie I saw was so complicated all I could think of was that I really wanted to be in the room when they were writing the script and planning the filming.  What drugs were they all taking???




1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to find a critter sitter. It helps so much to be able to travel without worrying about stressing out one's pets when they can't go along.
