Sunday, July 2, 2023

Meeting the public

 Marta has made certain that Walt and I are ready to join the public in Santa Barbara.

We are so lucky to have her living here and so grateful for her ministrations!

Ned has spent the day getting everything organized, getting the car packed so that we can leave very early and drive straight to the beach in Santa Barbara, and writing detailed instructions for our house sitter.  

Bubba must know there is "something" going on.  He just won't leave my lap.  The only time he gets off of my lap, if I"m sitting down, is if Walt comes in and sits down and then he goes to Walt's lap. I sure hope he and the house sitter bond.  She will love having a lap dog and he will definitely be missing laps.

In the meantime, he is going crazy trying to catch the squirrels.  Ned caught a great video of him that I hope you can see on Instagram.  The link is below and it's weird that it takes you to another link and then to a page that wants to be SURE that you want that page.  But I'm thrilled with the video.  (If you are on Facebook, you can also see it here)

I'm hoping to continue to write entries while we are gone, but if there are no entries for a couple of days, I will make it up when we get home.


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