Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Silver Linings

There is supposed to be a silver lining for every dark cloud in your life.

I've found a silver lining to the frustration of the writers and potential actors strike.  There is virtually nothing new to watch unless you're into game shows (which I'm not, except for Jeopardy...and will THAT be on when the new season starts?)

I record a lot of shows -- all my doctor shows, shows like NCIS, special shows coming up but when I look at the DVD list for what is going to be recorded each day it seems like all that is on the list is The Office, which Ned records because he likes to watch the reruns.

(This pretty much looks like the DVD recordings daytime and nighttime.  All of those are Ned's recordings, except for one of mine...with nothing new to watch, I'm watching the old Major Crimes reruns from 2012)

It used to be that I would stay awake until Colbert came on and when he finished his monologue it would be close to midnight, so I'd stay awake until midnight so I could work the Wordle before going to sleep.  Sometimes I would stay up longer to watch Monk.

For the last several weeks, I've been letting myself go to sleep at 10 or 10:30 and I have been finding that I'm getting more sleep.  And then I'm also getting my 1-2 hour nap each day.

Do you wish nap time was a regular part of adult life, just like in kindergarten? There might be a good reason to incorporate it into your daily routine, according to new research. A study published in the journal Sleep Health suggests short snoozes might help protect the brain against age-related shrinkage, which is associated with cognitive decline and neurodegenerative conditions like dementia.

Last night I went to sleep around 11 and only woke up twice during the night, both times going right back to sleep and sleeping until 6:30.  I don't know what's going to happen when/if the writers settle their strike.  I'm enjoying having sleep and may just stop watching Colbert at night.



They are in Hawaii for a soccer tournament


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