Sunday, July 30, 2023


 Before our visitor came to visit, Ned got the living room looking more like a living room and less like a bedroom.  He took the cover off the couch and somehow found a place for the voluminous soft quilt and did lots of other things, so when she arrived, you'd never know it wasn't a living room.

Only he was exhausted, having spent a day working at Lake Tahoe, then driving home at the crack of dawn and having to work at the facility that he takes care of.  By dinner time, he was ready for bed and went upstairs with Marta to watch TV.  When it was time for me to go to sleep, I went into the living room and he had forgotten to turn the room back into my bedroom.  No problem.  I had a pillow and it was too warm for a quilt, so I just lay down and was asleep pretty much instantly.

When I woke up in the middle of the night, as I always do, I napped for an hour in my recliner and then decided I wanted to go back to the couch, only what I was missing was not the warmth of a quilt, but the feeling of something on my shoulder, so I took a towel that was in the laundry basket and covered myself with that.

When I woke up, I was covered with the quilt.  Ned said when he saw me sleeping there it was the most pathetic thing he'd seen and he made sure I had a cover.

Our visit with our friend was so nice.  I can't remember when if ever, we have had someone come by just for a visit, other than family.  Maybe not since Paul died!  But we had such a good time.  I was disappointed that she didn't bring the Starbucks coffee she planned to bring, but the line, she said, was too long. Probably just as well.  I shouldn't have one of those fancy coffees anyway.

But we just got caught up.  We got all the information on her recent trip to Yosemite with her daughters, which was a lot of fun.  I'd seen pictures on Facebook.  We haven't been to Yosemite since the kids grew up.  We were remembering when we were there with the kids.  Tom was probably 3 or 4.  We had a nice dinner around the fire and made smores.  I remember a marshmallow fell on the ground and Tom stepped on it, so there was marshmallow on his shoe.

In the middle of the night I heard a bear snuffling around our  tent.  I was terrified and lay there stiff as a board listening to the bear move from one side of the tent to the other, wondering whether or not he could smell the marshmallow on Tom's shoe.  He eventually moved off but when we got up later in the morning, the bear was in the truck of a camper across the road from us.

Anyway, it was such a nice visit.  Now that I can't drive, I can't just "drop in" and visit someone, but she promises to come back and visit with us again sometime.



Jeri & Phil went to opening night
of the show she orchestrated.


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