Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Being a Grown Up

There is a meme I've seen on Facebook a few times.  It says something like when you're a kid you can't wait to be a grown up so you can go to bed whenever you want after 9 p.m. and when you're a grown up you realize that when you want to go to sleep is about 9 p.m.

I think about that when we're  watching Jeopardy, which comes on at 7 p.m. here.  It's followed by Wheel of Fortune, which I don't particularly like, but which get me through to whatever shows are on at 8 p.m.

With the writers' strike, there aren't a heck of a lot of new shows on at 8 p.m.  Our DVD records a whole evening of The Office, which Ned has set to record, and not much else.  I watch things on our DVD or watch cooking shows but I watch the clock, hoping it will quickly get to 9:45 so I can go to sleep.

I'm ready to go to sleep at 9 but realize that if I sleep at 9, I will wake up before midnight and not be able to go back to sleep, so I try to find something on TV that will last until 10 p.m.  So I can wake up at midnight and do Wordle and the 1SE for the day.  

Thank goodness for Food Network competitions.  




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