Wednesday, August 9, 2023

who ARE you?

I got a very nice letter yesterday.  The writer, "Josine" started out talking about her cat, who was in dental surgery while she was writing to me.  She then went on to talk aobut the cat, "such a gentle little soul."

She then went on to talk about theater, so she obviously knew I was a theater critic.  She talked about not being into musicals, but having seen Phantom of the Opera in New York and found it "spectacular."

She talked about a play she saw in the Netherlands, where she lives, and showed me where I could find a video of it on YouTube.

She talked about places where she and her partner have traveled and asked me which was my favorite.  She talked about where she and Riccardo had sailed and how much she enjoyed sailing.

And then the letter ended.

Why do I mention it?  I don't have a CLUE who this woman is.  She didn't put her last name, there was no return address on the envelope and I'm sure she was part of some SwapBot exchange, but she didn't mention it.  I would love to be able to write to her because I so enjoyed her letter, but I haven't a clue how to reach her.



Tom and Brianna


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