Thursday, October 5, 2023


 Well, the stuff I need to take before my colonoscopy next week has arrived.  Looking at that gallon bottle that I will have to drink, knowing that the "lemon flavoring" they added won't help the taste, makes me very sad that I have to finish it all.  

Definitely not looking forward to the colonoscopy and endoscopy, though I will be very relieved when they are both over.  My fear, which I may have expressed before, is not the procedure, but that they might find something bad.

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I am so enjoying having Stephen Colbert live again.  After his first night, when he did a monologue on the 5 months of news that he was gone and naturally gave it to Trump, Trump posted a message on his social network mocking Colbert, but ending with "watch what goes on -- so interesting!"  The Colbert folks took that part of his message and posted it as a positive message on a huge sign in New York.  I just love it!!

Since the actors are still on strike, no actors can go on the late night shows to talk about the things they are in, so guests have to be non-actors.  His first night was Neil deGrasse Tyson, who is not only an interesting scientist, but also a friend of Colbert's.  The second night he had John Oliver, one of the five late night talk show hosts who participated in the "Strike Force Five" podcast.  (I have thoroughly enjoyed that podcast and am kind of sorry that it's now over...they did it to raise money for their staff, who were not getting salaries).  Last night his guest was Anderson Cooper, whom I always enjoy watching, and tonight it will be Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul).

I was right.  I can't stay awake to watch the show live, but I always wake up around 3 and usually watch the first half hour of Morning Joe which puts me back to sleep.  Now I'm watching Colbert at that hour.




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