Monday, October 23, 2023


 Walt goes out for brunch with friends once a month; I used to go to lunch once a month with my friend Kathleen, who lives in Sacramento.  We've been friends for 49 years, she tells me.  We started going to lunch together some 25 years ago, for the first many years in Sacramento, but after she retired and didn't have to go back to work after lunch, she started coming to Davis.

It's great fun.  We never talk current events here at home, so Kathleen is  the only person I can discuss current events with.  We started with George Bush and had a lot to discuss then.  We didn't have much to discuss when Obama was president, but we made up for it during the Trump administration.

But for some reason, we haven't been to lunch in nearly a year.  A lot has been going on in her life and we just never made a date.  We missed the four arrests of Trump and what has been going on in the House of Representatives.

But we made up for that today.  It was a lovely lunch.  I had eggs benedict and she had what she usually has -- a BLT.  And we got caught up on our kids and on all the things going on in the news.  We actually stayed for an hour and a half and it was great.

I'm having difficulty speaking loud enough for people to hear me, since I got the hearing aids.  When I speak it sounds plenty loud in my ear, but the family has been telling me I need to speak up and I had a difficult time being heard today, especially since we were seated near a juke box that was playing, to my ear, very loud.

We made an appointment for the next lunch next month.  She may be selling her car and will come over on Uber.



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