Thursday, November 9, 2023

After Only 9 months

 Oh my word what fun I had today!  Char and Jenny decided to come up and bring us puzzles and were going to exchange for some of the puzzles we had finished.

While waiting for them to come, I started glancing through the books that I had made after our trips, which Ned had put out on the coffee table in a stack.  I hadn't looked at those pictures in such a long time and it was great fun remembering our many trips together

They arrived around noon.  Char brought us two bags of puzzles and looked through the ones we had finished that we wanted  to give away.

Ned had set up a great lunch, with all sorts of snacks (including clam dip, of course) that we could munch on thru the afternoon.

We had such a good visit.  I figured out that it has been 9 months since we've seen each other, not since my birthday in February.  We communicate with text and on Facebook, of course, but hadn't had a real visit.  I mentioned that I had been looking through the books of our trips and we all started looking through them and what fun that was, remembering the things we had done together.  I'm so sorry I didn't make a book after our last trip from Barcelona to Venice.

When it was time for them to leave, they checked out the puzzle we are currently working on and then we decided we should do lunch at Fenton's again on my birthday so it won't be another 9 months before we see each other again.  It's difficult for us to get together when I can't drive any more and Char is about ready to give up long drives too...and we live 100 miles apart.  I miss the one-on-one time together, but a group visit was better that nothing!




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