Thursday, December 14, 2023

A busy day

 Well, I finished emailing all the cards (and mailing the ones that didn't have email) and I counted all the names today and it's about 120 people to whom I sent this letter.  Is that too many?

I have had a couple of wonderful replies, one from a woman I used to have lunch with along with a small group of women, for many years, until the organizer of the lunches died.  It was so good to hear from her.  She is often not in this country for Christmas.

The other wonderful reply I received was from someone I've known all the years we have lived in Davis, and with whom I have done so many things over the years.  It was perhaps the most beautiful letter I have ever received.

Today I finished the rest of the Christmas letters. Yesterday I invited anybody who wants a letter to let me know and was surprised that someone actually DID.  Thank you.  it's always so pleasant to find someone who has been reading this for some time.

What I have spent most of the time doing today is sending to our foreign students (a dozen of them), many of whom I had no email address for, but could reach them through Facebook, which ended up with email exchanges with many of them..and how fun that was!

Faouzi came to us from Morocco with his brother Hamid.  He now lives in this country and is currently vacationing in Morocco with his daughter Sofia and her husband (isn't she beautiful?)

And  then there is Caico, who is about Tom's age, but just became a new father.  Is this not a gorgeous baby?

I have a Brasilian grandddaughter.

Felix came from Croatia and I found a home for him, but the family didn't want him because he came from the wrong town in Croatia!  So we ended up taking him.  He stayed with us and then went to USC for his PhD.  He married and he and his wife owned a B&B in Washington State for many years, but have now sold it and are living in Homer, Alaska.



Angela came here from Brasil speaking almost no English,
but determined to make a life for herself in this country.
She stayed with us for awhile, then found a job with someone 
and she has made a full life for herself as a nurse
and is now retired and touring Italy with a fiance.  
It was wonderful hearing from her today!


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