Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Letter writing

I'm reading a book of letters by Jane Goodall. What a fascinating life she has led...and I’m only to her early clerical working years so far.  The guy who put this book together has collected something like 18,000 of her letters from friends and organizations.  The first chapter, starting at about age 10, is interesting for the bad spelling and grammar. Where I am now, she is doing secretarial work, but all of her letters have something to do with animals and birds and her interest in them.

It is interesting that the guy who put the book together writes in the introduction:

“Letter writing today is a dead art.  Easier to pick up the phone and visit by electromagnetically transmuted sound.  Cheaper to log on and visit by electronically stimulated phosphorescence.  Paper-based correspondence today sometimes seems an almost Victorian habit, bordered by lace and dust, and one can easily imagine that very soon we will see no more collections of consequential letters by famous people, since famous people no longer write consequential letters."

This  guy would be surprised to see how many pen pals I have!

* * * *

We are getting close to the end of the Advent Calendar puzzle.  This has been fun to do because the daily puzzles are so small, but on the other hand, there is nothing to work on once the day's puzzle is completed.  It will be nice to start another big puzzle after Christmas.

But Jeri (who gave us this puzzle) will be here to work the very last one, on the 24th



Almost finished.  Just five days to go


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