Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Harlan Coben

 Harlan Coben is currently my favorite author.  I have read everything he has written and am eagerly looking forward to his next book.  He is an expert at twists and turns and every book I read, no matter what I'm convinced is happening, it's not.  He starts with several characters who seem to have nothing whatsoever to do with each other, and by the end of the story they are somehow all connected.

One of his books, "Fool Me Once," has just been made into a movie, now showing on Netflix.  I watched the first four (of 8) episodes and then the next day decided to watch the next one or two.  I started at 9 p.m. and could not turn the TV off when an episode ended and ended up watching the remaining four episodes.

Like his books, unrelated characters became par of other characters' lives, the killer was not someone I thought would do it, and the exposé was such a shock...and at the same time so funny, that it was just great. 

 I highly recommend going on to Netflix and watching it.  



Getting there...


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