Thursday, February 29, 2024

Strange night

 I've traded my first ATC.  There was surprising interest in the ATC that is Photo of the Day and I agreed to trade it with someone.  Made two more  ATCs today, based on a post card I received.  I guess I've gotten into ATCs!

What a weird night last night.  I woke up at 3 and moved to the recliner and then fell back asleep.  I "woke up" and saw that it was 8 and that Ned had not yet made the coffee (he usually makes it around 6), so I got up to make the coffee and after I got the water in the pot, I saw we had no ground coffee, so I went to get some out of the freezer, glanced at the clock on the stove and realized it wasn't 8 a.m., but 5:30!  I don't know how I dreamed it was 8.  But I made the coffee anyway, and then went back to sleep!

Also at some point at night, I dreamed that Bubba died in his sleep, so his body bouncing into my lap when Ned came downstairs was a relief.

Something happened to our TV while I was napping and there was no sound on any channel.  It took Ned awhile but he got it fixed.  I am so fortunate that he lives here and can pretty much fix anything.

I am so lucky that mail has been very good the last few days.  It's nice to have a stack of mail to answer.  Many things are from people who find my name on InCoWriMo.  I don't usually write to men...have only one mail pen pal, but we've been pals for a few years but I heard from a nice guy who talks about his wife, so I answered him.  I've also had requests in Messenger from men who want to be my friend.  This has never happened and I've blocked them, but I wonder why now all of a sudden men are trying to be friends with me.  I definitely don't trust messages from men that start out "How are you doing and what's the weather where you are?"




Tuesday, February 27, 2024


We got a new water cooler today.  We've had the current one for several years and I'm finding that sometimes the cooler doesn't work and it gives room temperature water, so they delivered a new one today.  I drink a lot of water when it's cold, very little when it's room temperature.  I hope the new cooler solves the problem.

I hate to say that I slept well last night, because that probably means I won't sleep at all tonight, but it was so nice having about 7 hours of sleep and a 2 hour nap.  My thighs are so sore today I can hardly walk, which I think is a result of all the standing without my walker that I did making the pie yesterday.

The new season of Survivor starts tomorrow.  Ned has gotten me very interested in Survivor but we don't watch it the night it's on.  We watch it a couple of nights later so Ned can zip through the commercials.

They are having a second annual run in memory of the son of one of my pen pals.  I had to make an ATC for the event.  Facebook people on the ATC group told me this was addictive and I'm finding out they are correct!




Monday, February 26, 2024

Walt's birthday

Ned made Walt's birthday as special as mine, fixing eggs Benedict for breakfast, getting hot and sour soup and a tofu dish for lunch, and a sous vide roast for dinner. . Since Walt doesn't like cake, I made him a lemon meringue pie.  Ned had leftover egg whites from the eggs Benedict, so I used double the egg whites for the meringue and I finally had a lemon meringue pie that looks like all the pictures you see in magazines.

Ned and Marta gave me two books and Walt gave me one book for my birthday.  I gave Walt 2 books and Ned and Marta gave him one for his birthday!

For me it was a banner day.  I received eight letters and a package.  It's the first time I've received a pen pal letter from someone who works at UC Davis.

It was Monday night, so Jon Stewart's night on The Daily Show.  He ended his segment with telling a "story" that had me sobbing by the end.

I filmed it and sent the last part of it to Jeri, thinking that the whole thing was too long to send as a text, but then found it on YouTube this morning.




Sunday, February 25, 2024

Boring day

 Fairly dull day.  I worked on the Paris puzzle.  We will probably finish it this week.

Also answered 4 letters.  I am getting letters from InCoWriMo, people who get my name and address off the membership list.  I don't know if any of these will turn into "pen pals," but I sent each a letter.

Making ATCs...I like the Judy Garland one I made

Not much interesting on TV on Sunday, but I am starting to like Tracker.



A Judy Garland ATC


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from SwapBot

1. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?
I bought a package of cigarettes when I was in high school, smoked one cigarette, hated it, and have never smoked since.  I tried marijuana once, but since I don't know how to get smoke into my lungs it did nothing for me.

2. What do you think of hot dogs?
I have to admit I like them, in buns.  And I know it's terrible, but I use both mustard and catsup.

3. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee.  Black.

4. What's your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
I have a necklace with an elephant on it that I ordered from the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya.

5. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Actually, the only things I drink are coffee and water.

6. Like to travel?
We have traveled a lot (24 countries) and I enjoyed it, but now that my body doesn't move all that well, I am not looking forward to traveling again.

7. What should you be doing right now?
This.  Or working on our new puzzle.  Or taking my morning pills. 

8, Your phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
My daughter is the only person who ever calls me.

9. Do you like to ride horses?
I have always loved horses and always wanted to ride, but have only been on a horse a few times and never really learned how to be comfortable.  As a kid, I always envisioned myself flying down the beach on the back of The Black.

10. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
A listener.

11. What's in your pocket right now?
no pockets in what I'm wearing.

12. Last thing that made you laugh?
The dog always makes me laugh.  Everything he does is funny.

13. How many TVs do you have in your house?
I think 6.  One in my office, one in the family room, one in Walt's office, one in his bedroom, one in Ned & Marta's bedroom and one in their big room.  Ned and I are both TV addicts.

14. Who's your loudest friend?
Ned!  Which is great because I can understand him whether I have my hearing aids in or not.

15. Favorite sports team
The  49ers.  Sigh.  In spite of everything it was a good SuperBowl, even if they lost.





Friday, February 23, 2024

Saturday 9


Welcome to Saturday: 9. 

What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here are today's questions!

Saturday 9: Shambala (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song refers to the mythical kingdom of Shambala. Can you think of another song that mentions to faraway, mythical land?
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

2) "Shambala" is performed by Three Dog Night. The name is derived from an Aboriginal Australian legend. In the outback, hunters would sleep with a dog beside them. If it was very cold, they would sleep between two dogs. If it was freezing -- you guessed it -- it was a three dog night. Was it cold last night where you are?
No.  It was just normal...very pleasant.

3) The lead singer is the late Cory Wells. Early in his career he was a member of the house band at the famous Sunset Strip nightclub Whiskey-A-Go-Go. Cory was a bit of an anomaly at "The Whiskey" because of his sober lifestyle. When did you most recently enjoy an adult beverage?
Oh lord, it's been so long, I can't remember.

4) Bandmate Danny Hutton auditioned to be a member of The Monkees TV show. He didn't get the part. While he was a talented singer-songwriter, NBC was looking for musicians who could also act. Have you ever fantasized about a career as a performer?
Definitely not.  I remember being in a restaurant one day when Alan Alda and his family came in.  The restaurant had cleared out one part so they had the only table and he sat with his back to the rest of us.  I'd hate to have to live like that.  (can you imagine Taylor Swift going out to buy a quart of milk?)

5) Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys was an early supporter of Three Dog Night's. What's your favorite Beach Boys song?
I checked out the Beach Boys' top 40 songs and didn't recognize any of them.

6) In 1973, when this song was popular, one of the best-selling toys Curious George plush doll packaged with a Curious George book. Can you recall a favorite book from your childhood?
I have a very strong memory of reading "The Black Stallion" when I was 10, which got me into reading every book on horses and dogs that I could find.

7) The Exorcist was in theaters, terrifying audiences. It's still ranked among the scariest movies of all time. Have you seen it? Did it scare you?
I saw it a long time ago, when it first came out, and can't remember whether it scared me or not.  I haven't seen the new version.

8) Roller skates were a big seller in 1973. While most rinks had skates available for rent, committed skaters had their own pair. Are you better on roller skates or ice skates?
Definitely roller skates.  I took ice skating lessons in grammar school and could, at the time ice skate, but I never could do anything other than skate forward.  Never even learned how to skate backward.

9) Random question -- Here's $100. What will you spend it on?





Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Lester's on the roof.  We got a note from Jeri this morning that Lester was in the ER and that it "didn't look good."  Later in the afternoon, she wrote to say that Lester had "moved on."  I'm a little weepy.  It's like saying goodbye to a grandchild.

Lester and her sister were abandoned at birth, left at the local post office.  I took them in and called them Tater and Tot--because they looked like tater tots.

One day old

Phil and Jeri had been talking about getting a dog and we convinced them they wanted to adopt one of these two.  They chose Tot and named her "Lester" after their favorite baseball player.  Tater got adopted by someone, but Lester stayed here until Phil could fly out to bring her back to Boston

(these dogs are all the same age!)

Phil and Lester were very happy to finally meet each other.

She has become their whole life.  I love that Jeri takes videos every morning when she is taking Lester out for a walk and shares it with the family.  

It has become obvious that, at 15, she was slowing down.  She didn't run ahead on walks, she couldn't go up and down stairs and had to be carried.  It was obvious that the time was coming, but still it's painful to know she has passed over that rainbow bridge, and it hurts that I can't be in Boston to hug Jeri and Phil.


Lester (6 mos) and Bouncer (1 yr)
Bouncer died a year ago.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024


I certainly can't complain about mail today:  I got 2 birthday cards, 6 postcards and 8 letters! Two of the postcards were through Postcrossing, so I guess things are now going well with that.  Letters that came from new people came through InCoWriMo or other on-line sites I signed up for.  Several new people to get acquainted with.  

I'm also trying to learn how to make ATCs (Artist Trading Cards -- my first attempt is at the left).  

I joined a Facebook group and watched several videos on YouTube.  YouTube videos drive me crazy. You want to learn how to put together an ATC.  The video is half an hour long and in the first 10 minutes all you see is someone holding a white card and talking about what an ATC is and doing NOTHING about making one.  And each step of the creative process takes another long stretch of holding something and talking about it,  but doing nothing with it.  Every single one of the "how to" videos I've watched (and skimmed through), from ATCs to journals to anything else take 30-40 minutes and could easily be done in 10 minutes and still get the same information across.

The other videos I hate are where the person making the craft doesn't really know what she's doing.  It's like filming me trying to decide what I want to do and trying this and that and discarding things.  Decide what you're going to show people and put it together, don't spend such a long time testing things that you aren't going to use.

Maybe I'm just extra grumpy now that I'm 81.



Who knew Bubba liked bananas?


Monday, February 19, 2024


 Ned told me that Monk is now on Netflix.  What a great thing.

I love Monk and watch it all the time.  Having it on Netfix means (a) the picture is bigger, since if fills the entire screen instead of just a box in the middle; (b) there are no commercials; (c) I can watch it continuously all day long (which I don't, but I could if I wanted to).

I discovered last night that it's perfect as a sleep aid.  When I woke up in the middle of the night, I did Wordle and then tried to get back to sleep.  I decided to turn on Monk.  It's absolutely perfect.  I know every episode, so if I fall asleep, I don't "miss" anything.  I slept for about 3 hours with Monk on in the background.  I may do this frequently.

Ned says he does the same thing with Better Call Saul.  He knows the show so well, he can sleep through it and not be bothered that he missed anything.

There are some perks to being a TV addict!



following the afternoon storm


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Turning 81

What a perfect birthday it was!  The day started with Ned baking croissants for breakfast.  I spent the morning writing and working on journals.  For lunch, Ned made egg salad sandwiches (one of my favorites) and when I went to eat mine, he pointed out I had gifts.  There were three books from my Amazon wish list, 2 from Ned and Marta and one from Walt.

After lunch, I went back to writing and journaling.  Ned came in with a package that had just been delivered.  It was a gift from Jeri.

(I guess now there is an easy way to find a gift for me...a new puzzle!)

Walt went to the store and came home with a dozen red roses.  I had about 150 or more birthday wishes on Facebook.

 Jeri called and we chatted for a bit and then Tom and Lacie called on facetime.

I was disappointed that Brianna wasn't in on the call, but then she texted me, so I got to hear from her too.

Before dinner, Ned handed me another birthday gift, which turned out to be crab utensils because he served crab for dinner.  It was one of, if not "the" biggest crabs I've ever had

During dinner instead of watching Family Feud, we watched Singing in the Rain. Then after dinner, there was cheesecake.

After cheesecake, I finally watched Oppenheimer, which may have been the low point in the day, but at least I got to see it (and not quite sure what all the fuss is about!)

I had a good sleep and got 4 on Wordle before falling back asleep again.  All in all, being 81 so far has been decidedly pleasant!



Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sunday Stealing - Music


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from Pinterest 

Name a song that...

1. You enjoy, in another language.
"Non, je ne regrette rien" by Edith Piaf

2. Recently introduced you to a new singer
I hear there's a singer named Taylor Swift I should listen to.

3. You listen to to energize
"Thank God You're Doing fine" by Lawsuit

4. Is your favorite song from a musical.
Oh so many!  But I love "For Good" from Wicked and how could I forget Over the Rainbow.

5. Reminds you of an old love
My first boyfriend and I laughed that Harry Belafonte's "Mama look-a BooBoo" was our song.  We felt it was about my father.

6. Make you think of one of your children
"Funny" makes me think of my sons David and Paul

7. Makes you smile when you hear it.
John Denver's "Grandma's Feather Bed."

8. You love but is quite unknown
"Bottles of Chance"

9. That annoys you.
Any hard rock.

10. That your parents used to listen to.
"If I didn't care" by the Ink Spots

11. From your early years of childhood
In grammar school, we had to bring in a record of our favorite song.  I brought Bing Crosby's 'Don't Fence Me In"

12. That has a color in the title.
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polkadot Bikini

13. That needs to be played loud.
There was a time, before I was married, when I would come home from work, lie in front of the stereo and play Judy Garland's "Stormy Weather" full blast.

14. That is perfect for a road trip.
Copacabana or this one

15. That reminds you of yourself.
The song I want played at my funeral:  Save Me a Seat by Steve Schalchlin, but really  "For Good" from Wicked




The interesting thing about this picture is
there is not a single bike in it!
(but Walt's office is on the right, at the end of the block)


Friday, February 16, 2024

Saturday 9

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here are today's questions!

Saturday 9: Paper Doll (1943)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The song is about a fellow who is exasperated by men flirting with his girl. Do you have a jealous streak?
Oh sure.

2) He's blue after a quarrel with Sue. Did you exchange harsh words with anyone recently?

3) "Paper Doll" was #1 for 12 weeks in 1943-44, sold 11 million copies and remains one of the best-selling singles of all time. Had you heard it before today?
Yes.  My father had a huge collection of records of the 30s and 40s and this is a very familiar recording.

4) As kids, the Mills Brothers worked on their harmonies in front of their father's Piqua, OH, barbershop, much to the delight of passers by. Do you often encounter street musicians in your neighborhood?
The only musicians in my neighborhood are my son and his friends.  Actually there are probably street musicians somewhere in town, but mostly you hear them at the park

5) The Mills Brothers were a long way from that street corner when, in 1936, they became the first African Americans to perform for the British Royal Family. It's about 4,000 miles from Piqua to London. What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
About 9,250 miles to Perth, Australia

6) In the early 1930s, the Mills Brothers not only performed songs on radio, they sang jingles for Standard Oil and Crisco. What commercial can you recall having seen (or heard) lately?
The Jardiance commercial.

7) In 1943, when "Paper Doll" was popular, WWII was raging and the US Mint began producing steel pennies because copper was needed for ammunition. Do you have any pennies in your pocket or wallet right now

8) Also in 1943, a bottle of Coke was a nickel. When did you most recently have a soft drink? What was it?
I can't remember.  I almost never drink soft drinks, but when I do it's diet Coke.

9) Random question: Have you learned more from your successes, or your failures?
Definitely the failures!



I decorated this today.
I think it's so cool.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day

Since I don't get out to stores these days, because of not driving (and hermiting since COVID), I didn't buy a Valentine's card for Walt, but made one out of a 3x5 card and a couple of graphics I found on the internet.  I particularly like the one that is Photo of the Day.

Last year we had heart shaped pizza for dinner on Valentine's day.   But Ned made a mistake and bought pizza last night, and didn't remember that today was Valentine's day until he was carrying the pizzas out to the car.

I mailed 3 rather long letters today, but now I'm out of letters to answer and there was no new letter today, so I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow!

I'm working on two junk journals and enjoying the pages I'm making.

The Schitt's Creek puzzle is more difficult than it looks.  The pieces are strangely oriented and some are just weird -- like a black round circle, with a couple of bumps on it.  This may take a longer time to finish than I anticipated.




Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Schitt's Creek

 We've started a new puzzle.  This is one that a friend gave to Ned and it's only 500 pieces, which I thought would make it go faster, but the pieces are strangely cut and a lot of the same color in many parts of the puzzle, so it might be slow.  Ned got the frame done and we have started sorting through pieces, but haven't really started a "section" of  the puzzle yet...nothing seems to be going together.

But I didn't do much of the puzzle.  Today I was writing letters.  I've lost track of how many letters and how many post cards I sent out, but a lot.  Definitely living up to InCoWriMo (which you are supposed to send something every day through the month of February).  

I have received a couple of letters in the mail and have had requests from three people who want to become pen pals and are going to write first, so I assume I will have a lot more letters to answer soon.

* * * * *

Jon Stewart returned to The Daily Show last night.  He will only be doing Mondays from now until the election.  Rachel Maddow also only does Mondays, so Monday is going to be my favorite night from now until November!  Maybe they will keep me from going stark raving mad with all the politics.

It was so good to see Stewart.  Just like he just did his last show last week.  




Monday, February 12, 2024

The Super Bowl

 Well, the 49ers aren't Super Bowl champions, but I have to admit that yesterday was fun.  I got dressed in my 49er-Peanuts shirt, Ned made clam dip, I made something with brie and pastry, and we were ready for the game.

Everybody in the family was on the game, and texting -- the Davis family, Walt's brother and his wife, all the family in Santa Barbara (it was also Walt's sister's birthday), and Jeri & Phil in Boston.  What was especially fun is that Lacie, now 12, got a cell phone for Christmas, so she was texting us video of Tom at various points in the game.

The Chiefs won about how the 49ers got into the game--in the last 3 seconds.  And it was disappointing, but I felt that people who paid $100,000 for a ticket (and apparently some did!...I think I read the cheapest seats were $600) at least got to see a good game.

Best was the story Jeri told us about how their experience went:

Last night we were watching the game at our friend’s house and with about one minute left to go, the TV service went out and the game was gone.

But the Internet was still working, and we were FaceTime timing with my friend’s brother in Ireland, and the brother could still see the game.

So he called it for us, one play at a time. It was like old time radio, in an Irishman’s voice.

Very strange way to end the evening. And we didn’t get to see Taylor Swift celebrate. That’s probably for the best.  

So I'll be throwing away the "Go Niners" address labels I made an have been using for the last few weeks.  Maybe I'll have more printed next season.

Go Niners anyway.

__________________________ __________________________________________________


At a 49er touchdown


Sunday, February 11, 2024

60 years

Having dinner with the Desmonds two nights ago has gotten me thinking all sorts of things.

Jeri, who is our daughter's godmother, and I have been friends for 60 years.  We met at the Newman Center at UC Berkeley.  She is 3 months older  than I am and between us we had a temporary driver's license  that someone gave us, and we took  turns using it to show we were 21 so we could get drinks.  We didn't both go out for drinks at the same time, obviously.

Along with three other couples, we dated, married (were in each other's weddings, were godparents for each other's kids -- 22 in all, of the 5 couples) and for several years, lived near each other so that our kids went to school together and were kind of like siblings.  We added another couple when the kids were in nursery school, so it's 6 families all together.  Liam, Jeri's son, was with her at  dinner  the other night.  He and Ned act like brothers...and really, they pretty much are.  

We have called our group the Pinata group because we had parties every New Year's Day (didn't do New Year's Eve because we wanted the kids to be a part of it) and starting very early--Jeri was still a baby then--we had a pinata at every gathering.  The kids lined up youngest to oldest and we kept doing the pinata as they all got we've even had pinatas a funerals (we have lost 5 adults and 3 kids)...and the kids still line up youngest to oldest.

Char and I plan to write a story of the Pinata group because it's so unique and while the 1st generation and 2nd generation know about it, the 3rd generation doesn't.  I don't know if we will make it a story or a book, but that's the plan to get written this year.

When I looked at Jeri and I the other night, each of us hobbling around on our walkers, having our sons help us get up and down steps, I realized how we have changed from climbing mountains in Yosemite to needing a walker to go from one room to the other in the house.  We started out having to use a borrowed license to drink alcohol and now we are walking with walkers.

Sixty years later and the Pinata group still has some of my best friends.

__________________________ __________________________________________________



Saturday, February 10, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from Compassion, Int'l.

1. What is a big dream you have for the future?
A Democratic victory in November.

2. What are your favorite hobbies?
Pen Pals, journals, collages, puzzles

3. If you could change the world, what would you do?
Oh many opportunities.  I want everyone to have water, some sort of bathroom, some place to sleep, enough food.  I want war to be impossible. and I want Trump to be convicted.

4. What places have you traveled to?  What was your favorite?
We've visited 40 states and 24 countries.  I don't know that I have a favorite, but I love London, my favorite cruise was to Russia.

5. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Durian.  (shudder!)

6. What are your favorite places to eat?
Any place that serves Dungeness crab!  There's a great place called The Dead Fish about half an hour from here that I love, though we almost never go there.

7. What kind of music do you like?  Talk about a favorite artist or songs.
I guess my favorite these days are show tunes.  But as for a favorite artist today it would have to be Steve Schalchlin, who now performs in New York, but who became a friend after his musical The Last Session was produced.

8. What was the last book you read?
"Saving Sadie," by 
Joal Derse Dauer

9. If you could meet a character from a book, who would it be?

10. Do you prefer books or movies?  Why?
Books.  The story is better and fuller.  Movies often ruin the book (e.g., The Prince of Tides, which Barbra Streisand completely changed from the book, which I loved).

11. What is something you used to be scared of, but aren’t any more?
When I was a kid, I was terrified of getting polio, but then they invented a vaccine.

12. What is something you were never afraid of, but are now?
Riding on the freeway.

13. What item is your most cherished possession?  Why?

This is "Delicate Pooh," which we gave our daughter (now 58) on her second birthday.  It has gone through all five kids as a beloved figure and when the dog ate his face, Jeri fixed it.  He can't sit up by himself any more so lives in a big jar in the living room.

14. What awards or contests have you won?

15. Do you like working jigsaw puzzles?
LOVE them.  Ned and I always have a puzzle going.  We are finishing this one today.

___________________________ _____________________________________________


Wonderful dinner last night with
Jeri D. and Liam


Friday, February 9, 2024

Saturday 9

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here are today's questions!
Saturday 9: At Last (1960)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Etta James sings that "life is like a song." What song reflects how you feel about life these days?

2) She is delighted to have found the love she has always dreamed of. Have you found true love to be the way you imagined it would be? Or has it surprised you?
Oh everything is a surprise.
3) Etta's mother encouraged her to not just sing but perform a song, telling her daughter, "Even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it." Is there a singer whose performances often touch your heart?
Judy Garland's songs always touch my heart.  John Denver often does.
4) As a teen, she was considered a gospel prodigy and churches all around Los Angeles requested she "guest" at their services. Do you have a favorite religious song?
It's been so long that I've been in church, I can't remember religious songs.

5) "At Last" is one of the most often requested songs for the newlywed's first dance at the reception. What song reminds you of a sweetheart?
Walt and I always said "Puff the Magic Dragon" was our song.  I can't remember why now.

This is the last Saturday 9 before Valentine's Day and so this morning we shall focus on the upcoming holiday.
6) It's been reported that millions of roses are grown specifically for Valentine's Day each year. What's your favorite flower?
I love roses and daisies.
7) The earliest recorded celebration of Valentine's Day was in Paris in the year 1400. Obviously you weren't around for that one. What do you remember from one of your earliest, childhood Valentine's Day celebrations?
I don't know that I've ever had "celebrations" concerning Valentine's day.
8) About 20% of pet owners say they give their dogs, cats, birds or bunnies a Valentine. Is your pet getting something special on February 14?

9) Of all the professions, teachers are #1 when it comes to receiving Valentine cards. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
My typing  teacher.  We later became friends and were friends until her death.  My daughter is named for her.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


 I had completely forgotten about this video Ned made 14 years ago.


Monday, February 5, 2024

Lasting Fame

This was a good mail day -- 5 pen pal letters, 2 postcards, and a new photo from one of my Compassion kids.  Best of all, one of the writers, a woman roughly my age, who lives in Pittsburgh, said she was listening to a recording of a performance of Lawsuit from the Whole Earth Festival in 1994.  How cool.  Lawsuit making new fans.  I always link to Lawsuit, when appropriate, and hope someone will actually give them a listen.

I have to laugh.  I have spent a bit of time getting fame for dead people.  The whole reason that I wrote the second Lamplighter history is that from the time the first book was published until he died, Gilbert did a lot of really impressive things and I wanted them recorded somewhere.  And now they are...and the book is in the Library of Congress.

Then, when I took the job of critic, there was another woman who had been reviewing forever.  She did lots of opera and classical things and wrote beautifully.  She had a web site with all of her reviews but it cost money to keep it up, so her family was going to let it expire.  I felt sad that her reviews would disappear, so I started a free web site on Blogspot and copied all of her reviews there.  I don't know if anybody ever reads them but if you google Marilyn Mantay, you can find them.  (you have to scroll past several obituary links, but Davis Classical Review is there)

The most recent thing I'm in the process of doing concerns poetry.  I recently discovered that a friend I've known for more than 25 years is a poet and has been posting dozens of poems to a site called Poetry Soup.  I decided that I am so impressed with the poems my sister wrote before she died, that I would post some of them on Poetry Soup.  I've only posted a few so far, but I already got a message from a guy who said one of them was "magnificent."  So Karen, too, will live in infamy.

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My sister Karen, and two of our aunts,
Marge and Jean


Sunday, February 4, 2024

David's day

 David's birthday today.  He would be 52, but he is forever 24 in my mind.  I can't even imagine him in his 50s...or Paul either.  

Paul's birthday was the 29th of January and we had sushi for dinner, as we do every year, since it was such a favorite of his.  David's favorite was Kraft dinner, so we will be having that for dinner tonight, along with some chicken.  

After David died, Paul was determined that he wouldn't be forgotten.  He talked about my sister, who was 24 when she died.  He said we never talked about her and he was determined that we would continue to talk about David so he wouldn't get forgotten.  Of course then Paul went and died himself, and it's difficult to live life without talking about both Paul and David.  I don't know how much Brianna and Lacie know about them, but I just wrote a letter to Brianna telling her about David and I will probably write a letter to Lacie telling her about Paul.

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I went through a file box today and discovered an incredible amount of "stuff" that I can use for journals...also a lot of stationery and a surprising number of sheets of stickers (just what I need).  I don't ever have to buy ... pretty much anything ... ever again!

I also wrote my weekly letters through Letters Against Isolation, sending to seniors who are in nursing homes or getting meals on wheels.  Every time I write my 4 letters a week, I always wonder how many receiving them will be younger than I am. 

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