Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Lester's on the roof.  We got a note from Jeri this morning that Lester was in the ER and that it "didn't look good."  Later in the afternoon, she wrote to say that Lester had "moved on."  I'm a little weepy.  It's like saying goodbye to a grandchild.

Lester and her sister were abandoned at birth, left at the local post office.  I took them in and called them Tater and Tot--because they looked like tater tots.

One day old

Phil and Jeri had been talking about getting a dog and we convinced them they wanted to adopt one of these two.  They chose Tot and named her "Lester" after their favorite baseball player.  Tater got adopted by someone, but Lester stayed here until Phil could fly out to bring her back to Boston

(these dogs are all the same age!)

Phil and Lester were very happy to finally meet each other.

She has become their whole life.  I love that Jeri takes videos every morning when she is taking Lester out for a walk and shares it with the family.  

It has become obvious that, at 15, she was slowing down.  She didn't run ahead on walks, she couldn't go up and down stairs and had to be carried.  It was obvious that the time was coming, but still it's painful to know she has passed over that rainbow bridge, and it hurts that I can't be in Boston to hug Jeri and Phil.


Lester (6 mos) and Bouncer (1 yr)
Bouncer died a year ago.


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