Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from "How Far Will You Go?"

1.    What was the best toy you ever owned?
I can't remember any toys, other than dolls and I don't think I'd call one of my dolls "the best toy I ever owned."  When I was 10 I got a camera for Christmas and that became the best gift I ever received as a child, but it's not exactly a "toy."

2.    When in your life have you felt the loneliest?
The year after my good friend died.  Everybody missed him, but it was deeper for me.  I spent the year reading every book I could about death, dying, and grief.

3.    What is your strongest emotion?

4.    When were you the most disappointed in yourself?
When I was fired from a typing company.

5.    Which law would you most like to change?
I'd like Roe v. Wade back...not necessarily for abortion but for women's health, which is in severe danger because of the rules about abortion.

6.    Who is the person you have hated the most in your lifetime?
Well.,. he's currently on trial in New York and also running for president.

7.    What has disappointed you the most?
Friendships I thought were special, that turned out to be hurtful.

8.    What's the best possible attitude toward death?
Acceptance.  Hoping to die in my sleep.  Hoping not to live to 100.

9.    What's been the longest day in your life?
The day David died (5/18/96).  We were in New York and had to fly home.  It was horrible.  Also, the day Paul died (4/20/99), when we got home from the ER and I couldn't sleep for a day or two.

10.  What is the biggest coincidence in your life?
Well, it's much too long to describe in detail, but in short, we were planning for the arrival of a girl from Brasil, to stay with us for a year and our neighbor was also expecting a girl from Brasil.  We felt the two girls could be friends...and then realized we were both expecting the same girl.

11.  What's the oldest you'd like to live?
Probably in my early 90s.  Definitely not 100.  (Kind of scary saying that at 81!)

12.    Who is the most amazing woman you know personally?
I always answered this question with a Davis woman, now dead.  So if I have to choose a new amazing woman it would be our former Mexican daughter, who now owns (and runs) a fabulous Mexican-Italian restaurant with her husband, and is learning to become a sommelier.  She has been amazing ever since she graduated from college.  I follow her amazing career on Facebook.

13.    What was your best experience in school?
I loved taking typing, becoming friends with my teacher, becoming her assistant for a year...and then having her remain my good friend for the rest of her life (our daughter is named for her)

14.    What's the most meaningful compliment you've ever received?
I've loved all the compliments on my theater reviews, especially now when I'm no longer doing them and people (including the former entertainment editor) tell me they miss my reviews and don't like the new critic as much.

15.    What is the most you've spent on something really stupid?
Oh good lord...I spend entirely too much on really stupid things.



Relaxing squirrel



  1. I laughed out loud at the picture of the squirrel! Both of your longest days sound like really hard days.

  2. I tacitly supported Roe, but since it's been overturned, and we end up with stupid laws (see the 1864! piece in AZ), it's been clear that, among other things, a lot of people don't understand the birth process.

  3. The abortion laws in the US are shocking to be honest. I worry about America sometimes.




  4. That's one relaxed squirrel. I like that you listed a camera as your favorite gift when you were young.
