Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from SwapBot

1. Have you ever been stung or bitten by an animal?
I was stung by a bee once

2. Do you have a favorite bird? Do you feed the birds at your house or park?
I love cardinals, but we don't see them here.  I saw one once in Maryland.  We don't feed the birds in our yard, but we do feed the squirrels.

3. What is the last thing you said to somebody before replying to this email?
"I woke up 15 minutes ago."

4. How do you get yourself ready to sleep at night?
I wear my "Yes I'm Cold" shirt, which somehow makes me sleepy.

5. When was the last time you wrote a proper letter?
I write letters just about every day.  I wrote a letter yesterday and I'm in the process of finishing a letter today.

6. What is the worst injury you have ever sustained?
I fell off my bike (over the top of the handlebars) and dislocated my shoulder.

7. If you could choose your career based strictly on what you think would be fun instead of your qualifications/salary/etc., what would it be?
I'd love to work with orphan elephants in Kenya.  But I'd have to be 50 or more years younger and move to Kenya to do it.

8. You can live on another planet, which one and why?
The planet they visit on the Star Trek episode, "Shore Leave."

9. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Toasted almond

10. What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?
I'm not a big fan.  I've seen some beautiful ones (like one of the current contestants on Survivor), but they are not for me.  I do not have a tattoo.

11. Are you very active or do you prefer to just relax in your free time?
Definitely relax

12. If you could bring back one TV show that was cancelled, which one would you bring back?
It would be interesting to see West Wing in this day and age.  But generally speaking shows end when it's time and to bring them back is not a good idea.

13. Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or in the comfort of your own home?
Well, I do love watching movies in the theater, but we never go, so I'm happy seeing them in my own home.

14. If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
If I opened a restaurant, it would have to be a pastry restaurant...and I'd weight 400 lbs.

15. If money were no object what would you do for your next birthday?
Have the whole family, and all the Pinata people get together at Fenton's creamery and all have huge ice cream dishes. 





  1. I did like The West Wing. But I think you're right, that everything runs its course.

  2. A lot of us chose a Star Trek planet. You were more specific than I.
