Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from SwapBot

1. Are you double jointed?  No.

2. Are you ticklish?  Yes

3. Cookies, cakes, or donuts?  Donuts

4. Did you go to prom?  3 of them (my boyfriend's and my 2)

5. Do you bite your nails?  No

6. Do you enjoy dancing?  No

7. Do you forgive easily?  It depends on the "offense."

8. Do you prefer to bathe or shower?  Shower

9. Does your name have any special meaning? It was my aunt's middle name.

10. Have you ever gone camping?  Many times

11. Have you ever won something?  I won a one-way cruise from San Francisco to Los Angeles in a writing contest I entered when I was a sophomore in high school.  I also shared an Elly award (Sacramento area theater award) for best original script with Stephen Peithman, who wrote most of it.

12. What did you last eat?  A peanut butter and fig jam sandwich.  The fig jam was not all that great.

13. What's your longest relationship so far?  Walt and I will celebrate 59 years this week.

14. Have you ever been on a diet?  Name the diet and I've probably been on it.

15. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts?  Kinda.  I'm not all that creative, but I do enjoy messing around.



My sister would be 77 today, if she didn't die in 1971.
She's on the left,  The woman on the right killed her.



  1. "depends on the offense." I totally get that. My HS girlfriend, only a couple years ago, started to apologize for some for post HS stuff, and I said, no, I should apologize, and we're definitely good.

  2. Do you like cake-like donuts (Dunkin' Donuts) or Krispy Cremes, which are heavenly beyond description? I didn't realize your sister's killer was a friend. That is horrible.

  3. (I figured out how to leave comments on my page!). My favorite donuts are raised glazed donuts. I never have liked Krispy Cremes unless they are fresh out of the oven. As for my sister's killer, she was her partner, not just her friend.

  4. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry about your sister . . . and it gives me chills that she was evidently friends with her killer!! Congrats on your years of marriage - that is impressive!!

  5. I am sorry about your sister. I can't imagine not having my sisters. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

  6. Fig jam? That doesn't sound nice at all. 59 years? That's almost as long as I have been alive. Congratulations.




  7. I like raised donuts, with either sugar or glaze. I never understood Krispy Cremes, which are entirely too sweet for me and only good if they are still warm.
