Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Potato Day

 I have read that August 19 is National Potato day.  I don't know why but I've been thinking a lot about people I have lost in my life these days.  People who have died, people who have disappeared.   It makes me sad to think of all the things I did with these people, that I can't do any more.

Ann Pool MacNab was the co-founder of The Lamplighters.  When my friend Alison and I were writing the Lamplighter history, I got to know Ann and as time passed, we became friends.  We went to So. California to watch her new company perform and to Petaluma when she and her husband moved there to watch the group she started there.  I remember when she called to let me know her son had committed suicide.

She wrote the longest letters I've ever received, each almost impossible to read.  I learned how to read her handwriting, but it was always a struggle.  She preferred handwritten letters and asked that I hand write my letters.  When we discovered that my typed letters were interesting, while my handwritten ones were not, she asked that I go back to typing my letters.

I don't remember how it happened, but potatoes became a thing with us.  We sent each other all sorts of weird potato things.  Potato cards, potato post cards, potato "things" like a potato radio I sent her once. I even found a company that would mail a potato to her, with a stamp on it.

So when I see that this is Potato Day, it makes me sad that I can't share that with Ann, who died several yeas ago.

The saddest thing about getting older is how many friends you lose



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