Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from Swap Bot


1 - Handwrote a letter to a friend?

2 - Cried?
I had a brief moment of crying over lots of things this week. Didn't last long.

3 - Fell over?
Sometime within the past 4 or 5 years.  Ned and Marta were able to pick me up.

4 - Bought a present for someone?
I order Christmas gifts all year long and I ordered my most recent Christmas gift about a month ago.

5 - Had a pajama day?
Since I almost never leave the house, many days are pajama days (I'm wearing pjs as I type this)

6 - Watched a movie that you wouldn't have gone to the cinema to see?
It has been a long time since I've been to the cinema, so pretty much every movie I see fits this category.

7 - Stayed up all night?
While I am finally sleeping better, I still have nights of insomnia and had such a night this week.

8 - Bought something on eBay?
I can't remember.  I almost never shop on eBay

9 - Colored in a coloring book?
When I was a child

10 - Told someone you love them?
We're very good about telling people we love them, especially given the losses we have had.  I pretty much end every telephone conversation with my kids by telling them I love them.

11 - Kissed someone?
I kiss Walt good night, unless one of us falls asleep first.

12 - Went to the doctors?
Last week...and it was the wrong date, so we didn't see her.

13 - You traveled by train?
When Brianna was a baby (she's now 16).  I'd love to do it again.  I love riding the train.

14 - Screamed because you were scared?
I'm not a screamer.  I can be scared, but I don't scream

15 - Visited your hometown?
My home town is San Francisco.  We go there frequently, but I can't remember the last time.

16 - Went on vacation?
Our 4th of July weekend in Santa Barbara

17 - Finished reading a book?
July 20.  A Dick Francis book.  Jeri and I are now reading a book and chatting about it periodically.

18 - Went to a church service?
It's been a very long time.

19 - Wore a hat?
I wore a hat on the beach in Santa Barbara in July

20 - Turned off your mobile phone?
I frequently turn it off...probably sometime this past week. 



  1. I never know when my MD appointments ate unless I put them in my phone.

  2. I try to avoid the doctor at all costs. I haven't thought about Dick Francis in seems like forever!

  3. I enjoyed your answers! I have no idea where I got this week's questions -- my questions are totally different. I must be losing my mind!!

  4. I am sorry you cried this week. Was it because you weren't feeling well?
