Thursday, August 15, 2024

What's that I taste?

My taste buds are coming back.  Not completely.  Coffee tasted like coffee this morning.  It's tasted like hot water for the last two days.  Yogurt is still something sweet and cold and smooth but I don't get a flavor.  The reason the scrambled egg burrito I fixed myself for breakfast tasted "right" was that I used a cheese salsa in it and the spics in that covered everything else.

But it's definitely getting better.

I'm not coughing as much and Walt seems to have taken over sneezing for me.

Not only that, but I had a wonderful sleep last night and didn't even need a nap today.

* * * *

The baby squirrel (I guess he's now a grown up squirrel) is learning the ropes around here, learning where he can find nuts (though he gets scared if he's in the tree when I go to put nuts on the shelf for him and he runs to another tree and doesn't come back for hours.  He is also very glad, I assume, that we have a bowl of water for the squirrels.  He's the only one I see drinking from it, but he drinks a lot.

I really love my little back yard zoo.  Every night a rat runs by the back door.  I would feed him, but I definitely don't want to encourage him to hang around, but it is fun to watch him checking to see if any nuts have fallen off the squirrel shelf.  Last thing I need is for Bubba  to figure out there is a rat to chase.

Before the baby found the nut shelf, Ned tossed nuts out on the patio for him.  When we were feeding peanuts (in the shell), I would toss some out and the birds would fly down and take lots.  That was a couple of years  ago.  Since Ned built the nut shelf in the tree, we don't see birds taking the squirrels nuts any more.  But as soon as Ned tossed out nuts n the patio, the birds were back instantly.  Have they been watching the patio for years??

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