Thursday, September 19, 2024


 So I fell yesterday.

I don't know what happened but I was starting to toast an English muffin and somehow my feet went out from under and I fell backwards, hitting my head on the cupboards.  No serious injury, but when I am on the floor, I can't get up.  My knees hurt so I can't get on my knees.  Ned and Marta can lift me, but Ned was in Sacramento and Marta was on a meeting upstairs.

I fell once, before Ned and Marta moved in, when I couldn't get up.  I'm too heavy to move myself anywhere and can't roll over, so then I called 911 because Walt and I definitely couldn't get me up.  I found out they have a "lift" service.  You call and they send out a car and a fire engine!  They come in, ask questions and in seconds  they have you on your feet.

So I called 911 and they sent out their crew.  I sent the above photo to Ned, who didn't get it until after he came home.  I've been very uneasy walking since the fall but I'm otherwise OK.  I woke up this morning feeling like I'd run a marathon...everything aches.


  1. Hope by now the aches have subsided. I have bad arthritis in my knees and I am always worried about a fall, even though I am as careful as I can be.
