Saturday, February 18, 2023

On Turning 80

 What an amazing birthday I had.  It started around 5 with Ned making coffee for me.  Then an hour or so later he made a coffee cake and asked if I had seen what he posted on Facebook.  I had seen something, but didn't really know what it was.

What it was was an amazing "padlet," which I had never heard of before.  It's a collection of messages from people, some with photos, some without, all wishing me a happy birthday, but what a collection.  There are some 200 entries on it, some of which Ned wrote with appropriate photos, but he and Jeri and I don't know who else contacted every person they could think of  that I knew and asked them to pass on the information to others and this is just absolutely amazing.  (the most amazing was from a guy who used to sell tickets for the Lamplighters, whom I have not seen or heard from in 40 years!)

I read it several times, and each time I found something I had missed.  The combination of this and the over 200 birthday messages I got on Facebook made me feel very humble and very loved.  If I ever get depressed, all I have to do is pull up this page and it will pull me out of the depression.  I loved the memories people shared, of things I had forgotten.  Ned changed the setting later in the day so people could add entries so every time I looked at it, it seemed there was something new to read.

I spent most of the day just reading birthday messages.  

Ned cooked roast leg of lamb for dinner, one of my favorite meals and it was delicious and he followed it with strawberry shortcake.

I had a long talk with Jeri and a short talk with Tom (which I had to end because dinner was ready) and after watching Jeopardy, Walt and I watched the old movie The Loved One, which was quite different from what I remembered!  I ended up going to sleep at 10 and sleeping 4 hours, which is a long time for me!  

It was just the absolutely perfect birthday...and today we'll be having lunch with a bunch of people at Fenton's, so the celebration continues.

Thanks to everyone reading this who participated in the padlet.  I love you all!


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