Saturday, February 18, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

After 80, every year without a headstone is a milestone!

To celebrate my birthday (Today), here are some questions related to age:

Also, check out the "gift" that Ned put together for me.  I am overwhelmed

1. What is the best thing about your birthday?
Well....that it's today and that Ned made the wonderful padlet that I linked above.  I swear hundreds of people have commented and wished me a happy birthday.

2. What is your favorite thing to do for your birthday?
Go out to dinner, or be at home with family.

3. What’s one thing you learned in the past year?
I learned a lot about the gallbladder, information I no longer need since I no longer have one.

4. What do you wish for in the next year?
Health.  No more problems that take me to the hospital.

5. What’s the best thing about turning a year older?
When you reach a certain age, people expect less of you

6. What was the most fun thing you did in the last year?
After the death of our dog Polly, we brought Bubba into the house, who keeps us laughing every day

7. If you could understand any animal, which would it be?
Definitely the elephant.  Their societies are so complex and they are so intelligent.  But if I can't understand the elephant, I would love to have chats with our dog.

8. What is something that used to be hard, but is now easy?
I'll turn this question around.  What used to be easy but now is hard--that would be sleeping!

9. If you could only keep one thing in your room, what would it be?
I don't have a bedroom but sleep in the family room, so I'll say the TV

10. Which person makes you laugh the most? Why?
Our dog Bubba makes me laugh every day.

11. If you could go back in time, when and where would you go?
I'd go back to the turn of the 20th century and see if I could watch my grandparents perform on the vaudeville stage.

12. If you were to bury a secret treasure, where would you bury it?
In our back yard with the graves of our pets.

13. What is your favorite memory?
So many of them.  It's impossible to pick out just one.  But one that comes to mind is a concert the band Lawsuit gave for the Whole Earth Festival, where there were so many in the outdoor audience people had to climb trees to see the band.

14. How have you helped others lately?
Having received my share of my mother's estate, I have been able to send a monetary gift to a couple of my Compassion kids.

15. If you had to repeat a day over & over, how you'd want it to go.
I'm pretty OK with how days go now and they are the same over and over again...but after a time I'd like the day to end with all of the people I love who have died coming to tell me it's time to go home.


Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 2/17/23 10:50 AM Permalink Location Options



  1. I'm turning 70 NEXT month, so congrats! Good quiz.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I'm only a year and a half behind you.

  3. I love your padlet. Ned did a great job! Happy happy birthday!!! Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.

  4. Happy birthday! I hope it was a fantastic time (looks like it was on Facebook!).

  5. Happy birthday! I've never heard of a padlet, but that was really awesome. What wonderful memories you've gotten there from friends and family. Way to go, Ned!

  6. I'm late with my wishes -- hope your day was extra special!! I've never heard of a padlet but what a cool gift!!!!

  7. What a thoughtful gift from Ned! I read the entries and recognized so many names from the blog!
