Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve

 What a lovely Christmas Eve we had.  Ned and Marta had been at a party the night before, and slept late.  Jeri had flown in from Boston and was also at the party.  She spent the night with a friend who has a guest bedroom...and slept, she says, until 11.  

She came over here in the early afternoon and together we finished the last puzzle of the Advent Calendar puzzle.

We had a nice afternoon, just visiting and getting caught up on our lives.  I love it when she comes to town because we get to have in depth chats.  Around 3, Char's daughter Dana arrived with her daughter-in-law and grandson, Jameson, to drop off a package from Char.

At 6 we drove over to Marta's family's house.  

The Wilsons have a bean taco dinner every Christmas Eve, and we usually join them for the dinner,

After dinner, Louise let her dogs in, 2 Corgis and her baby Chow, Bear, who is 3 months old and a little doll.

After we left the Wilsons' we drove out to the home of my former boss at the Davis Enterprise, Derrick Bang, whose house is usually voted best decorated in Davis every year.  This year, his next door neighbors decided to comment on Derrick's decorations.

We drove home again, with Christmas carols playing on the radio.  Bubba was very happy to see us back home again.  Jeri got on the bike she is using while here and rode back to her friend's house to spend the night.  I watched the 1938 version of A Christmas Carol while taking the Advent Calendar puzzle apart so we can take the puzzle table down to make space for Christmas celebrations



Ned and Jeri with Derrick Bang


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