Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

1. Who did you spend time with this year?
Didn't go out much, so just Walt, Ned and Marta...and the dog.

2. Anything change with the pets in your life?
No.  We've had Bubba for about 2 years now.

3. What was your job like this year? What do you do? Did any roles or assignments change? If you aren’t employed, base this question on your work at home or volunteering.
I guess my "work" these days is answering letters and doing SwapBot swaps.  I love putting journals together.

4. What was the best book you read this year?  How many did you read?
I didn't read as many books this year as I have in past years.  I only read 12 and of those 12, my favorite was "As You Wish," which was the telling of how they made The Princess Bride.

5. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently
I turned 80 this year and while 70 never made me feel old, suddenly I'm finding that I think of "80" as old all the time and wonder if I'm in my last decade.  On the day, Ned told me to check the internet and I found this wonderful "padlet,"  a collection of messages from people, some with photos, some without, all wishing me a happy birthday, but what a collection.  There are some 200 entries on it, some of which Ned wrote with appropriate photos, but he and Jeri and I don't know who else contacted every person they could think of  that I knew and asked them to pass on the information to others and this is just absolutely amazing.  (the most amazing was from a guy who used to sell tickets for the Lamplighters, whom I have not seen or heard from in 40 years!)

6. What political or social issue stirred you the most
Lord.  How much space do I have.  Mostly, I guess, all of Trump's crimes, but also the overturning of Roe v. Wade and how much trouble it is causing.

7. Who was the most interesting new person you met?
I can't think of any new people I met this year.

8. What changed in your home
I can't think of anything that changed in our home.

9. What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts)  Can be a new skill or a life lesson.
I have been putting off having a colonoscopy because I was convinced I have colon cancer...and how lovely to discover I don't.

10. What was your favourite outfit for warm weather? Cooler weather?  what do you wear when you dress up? Any new clothes or accessories you really love?
My normal dress, winter or summer is pretty much the same, black pants and a t-shirt, adding a sweatshirt in the winter.  I wear Birkenstocks and when I "dress up" I bought a new pair of shoes that actually fit.

11. Did you make or give up on any efforts to be healthier? Diet, water, exercise etc?
Ned is taking good care of my legs and their tendency to blister.

12. Fave meals, snacks, desserts, restaurants etc? Eat out or eat in?
Well, my preference would be to eat out, but we almost always eat in.  My favorite food over all would be Chinese (which we either eat out or order in).  Almost never have dessert, though ice cream is nice now and then (and my favorite dessert would be creme brulee or cheesecake).  Given that my favorite food is Chinese, I guess my favorite local restaurant is Ding How, where we ate a couple of days ago.  My favorite restaurant over all, though, would be the Dead Fish, which is about an hour away.  You can get great crab there.

13. Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favourite thing you made
I'm always checking YouTube for new ideas of how to make pages for the journals I make for Swap Bot.  I made several and each of them is my favorite!

14. What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?  (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance)
My main hope/dream for the new year is seeing the end of the former president.  Preferably with several judgements against him.

15. What was the best new/new-to-you thing you a) bought b) made c) acquired in some other way?
Definitely the Zojirushi cup that someone on SwapBot sent me.  I loved it so much I bought a second one, one to keep my coffee hot all day and one to keep my water ice cold all day.  And they do!



They're too old for Santa pictures now.



  1. I could rant how Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, essentially drove a woman out of the state in order to get a medically-necessary abortion, after a judge had allowed it. And it's hardly a one-off issue, as ABC News showed in a story in the past week. But I won't.

  2. Your birthday surprise was an awesome gift! I know you enjoyed reading all of the posts!!

  3. Trump - oh my GOD! I will give up if he becomes President again.




  4. The GOP needs a new name. They are fascists, not Republicans, now. Scary stuff going on. Merry Christmas to you! Hope you have a fine and fantastic day.
