Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Post Office

 I knew the post office had lots of difficult things to deliver, but how the letter I got today got to me I just don't know.  This is the address on the front of the envelope.

But it was delivered.  The envelope had no return address, which I guess is OK because while the letter itself was interesting and on some lovely scrapbook paper, I don't have a clue who the writer is.

I got another recently.  The letter was  typed (thank goodness) but I can't read the signature, and it looks nothing like what's written as the return address.  But I also can't read the return address.

I decided that I will answer the letter and then paste the return address from the envelope as the address on MY letter....and then see if it gets delivered.

My father worked the mail for 30 years. No wonder he had such a bad temper!

* * * * *
I've been watching the eagle nest at Big Bear Valley, which apparently everyone is watching to see if the 3 eggs will hatch.

But apparently they have decided that they probably aren't going to open now...they are too old.  They don't know why, but sad.



My father, very young
(when he was dating my mother)


1 comment:

  1. 75494 is the ZIP code for Winnsboro, TX, if that helps... (I think the address is 625 Mitchell St, but the name eludes me.)
