Thursday, March 14, 2024


My high school wouldn't let people learn typing until their junior year, so I wanted to learn, but had to wait.  Sister Anne was my teacher and we became friends and remained friends until her death many years later.  We sat at tables with big black typewriters that had no letters on them.

I loved typing and quickly became the fastest, most accurate typist in the class. In fact, I could type faster than the fastest typist in the SECOND year of typing.   I was the first one allowed to use the new electric typewriter that the school got. When I wanted to take Typing 2 they wouldn't let me because I already knew more than they would teach in that class. 

I've always typed fast and pretty accurate.  I once was waiting for Walt at his office and while waiting, I sat down at a typewriter and typed something and everyone came over to see me because they'd never heard anybody type so fast.  My fastest speed was 132 words per minute with two errors.

My jobs have always been typing and I loved it.  I love sitting here at this computer and typing letters.  I have to type letters because if I try to write, my hand can't keep up with my brain.  I pretty much type as I compose and my typed letters are so much more interesting.

But lately something has happened.  I can't type for shit.  My words run together.  There is usually a space after the t in any word that starts with t.  I mix letters and sometimes type words that aren't in my head.

Lately, the way I compose things is to write a paragraph and then go back and correct all the mistakes and then type the next paragraph. Even doing that, putting the document through the spell checker still finds mistakes I missed.

I was writing a letter this morning and was telling someone how it came to be that Ned and Marta are now living with us.  This is how I typed part of the paragraph.

He realized that we wre gettingolderand would need more help so he and his wifetook the money they were saving to buy a houseand instead remodeled the ujpstairs of our empty nestinto anapartmentfort hem

EVERYTHING I type these days looks like that.  Funny thing is that I can't seem to slow down.  I still type faster than most people, but it takes twice as long  to complete anything because I have to correct so many errors. 



Bubba is better than Polly was
but we still need pads.


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