Friday, February 24, 2023

Funny the World

I don't have a clue how many people who were regular readers of Funny the World in its old format will find this Blogger site.

After weeks/months of grieving over losing the ability to create pages again...and forgetting how t o upload them if I did create them, I decided to try a Blogger and I'm finding I am very happy with it.

"Funny the World" was not a valid email address, but was so I could still kinda keep the original name and I'm finding a lot I like about this new site.  It's easier to write--don't have to do a lot of creative stuff, which I liked, but I'm learning to like this too.  Once an entry has been posted, it is SO easy to correct or add to it.  And it's easier to add photos too.

So, all things considered, I'm happy with the change, and hope that long time readers will find me.  If you have been a reader and are now reading here, please leave a comment!

Something else that I just discovered yesterday.  I have been very upset at losing the program, which Peggy gave me, which allows me to cut something from an on line picture.  I've been trying to work around it, very unhappily.  But then I was looking at the commands on my screen and saw the scissors here.  I checked it out and that's exactly what it does -- it's called the snipping tool and you just click on it and you can get a snippet out of another picture, like  this one, which I could not copy, but could snip.  (The  thing to the left of the scissors is the need to check a weather site)

This is Eugene Levy (Schitt's Creek) from his new program on Apple+, The Reluctant Traveler.  It may be my new favorite show.  Levy confesses he's not a traveler.: has no desire to travel, doesn't enjoy exploring and, all things considered, sounds like me in thinking of travel.  But Apple somehow convinced him he was the perfect person to do this show.  I've seen 3 episodes so far -- Lapland, Costa Rica, and Venice (looking forward to his experience with elephants when he visits some place in Africa).  It's just such a fun show and I recommend it to anybody who has Apple+.

Levy says, in interviews, that his problem is that in all of his career, he has never played himself.  He has always had a character to play and he wasn't sure how this was going to go, but I'm loving it.

Our internet has been off and on since last night, probably because of the storm that blew through here , but I'm hoping it's back for good now.

Because of the storm, our driveway is too damp and they can't pour the concrete they planned to pour tomorrow, so the new pouring day is Wednesday, if the rain holds off..



  1. Hello - I'm happy to have found you again at this new place. I live in Davis and have followed your blog for a while (found you through the former Time Goes By blog). I enjoy your writing, humor, and general outlook. Thanks for hanging in there until you found a new platform.
    - Faye

  2. I was wondering what happened to your domain, so I tried Airy Persiflage. But then I saw your name on the Mr. Linky's widget for Saturday 9, and voila! So I added you to my Blogger reader. Glad you found a place to "settle" here.

  3. I found you! I have been checking both sites and finally looked at your Sunday Stealing and it had a profile and there was ftw! YAY! So glad you're back!

  4. I am very happy to have found your new site, since I have been following Funny The World for years.

  5. So pleased to have found you again. My name is Nicole and I have been reading your blog offf and on since around 2002 when I lived in London and missed Davis and California. I feared something had happened and you were not writing anymore. Just randomly googled you today and found you. Better late than never...


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...