Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves

Stolen From Mantelligence

1. If You Had The World’s Attention For 30 Seconds, What Would You Say?
Only 30 seconds?  "He's guilty ... I didn't vote for him.  Oh, and African Americans, Jews and gays are very nice people, if you just take the time to get to know them".

2, If Your Food Is Bad At A Restaurant, Would You Say Something?
It depends on how bad.  If just a little bad, I'll put up with it, but for something serious, I'll definitely say something (like the worm I found in my salad at a lunch in France!)

3.What Is In Your Fridge Right Now?
Oh much!  A lot of it is leftovers.

4.What Are You Freakishly Bad At?
Math and house cleaning

5. Where Do You Not Mind Waiting?
As long as I have something to read, I don't mind waiting anywhere.

6. What’s Something You’ve Tried, That You’ll Never, Ever Try Again?
Tasting durian.

7. If You Could Dis-Invent One Thing, What Would It Be?
Any of the long range guns used in mass shootings.

8, If You Could Be A Member Of Any TV-Sitcom Family, Which Would It Be?
The Rose family from "Schitt's Creek"

9. What Would Be The Best Thing About Not Having A Sense Of Smell?
The older I get the worse my sense of smell gets and it's nice not to be able to smell when the dogs pee in the house, like Ned can.

10. Would You Rather Live (Permanently) In A Roller Coaster Park Or In A Zoo?
Oh definitely a zoo.

11. When Scrolling Through Social Media, Do You Prefer Posts From Celebrities Or From Your Best Friends?

12. What Makes Someone A Hero?
Doing something for someone without any reward for yourself.

13. What Is The Stupidest Thing You’ve Done Because Someone Dared You To?
I can't think of anything.

14. What Is The Stupidest Thing You’ve Done On Your Own Free Will?
I did a lot of stupid things in college, when I was drinking, but I can't remember them...because I was drinking.

15. Would You Rather Have Unlimited Sushi For Life Or Unlimited Tacos For Life?
I love sushi, but I'd rather have unlimited tacos.





  1. We just finished watching all of the episodes of Schitt's Creek - great answer!!

  2. I have the first season of Schitt's Creek on DVD; I still hacven't watched it! The US needs an assault weapons ban, like it had 1994-2004.

  3. I have never seen Schitt's Creek. I need to remedy that at some point.

  4. You can have my tacos. Maybe I had to come up with house cleaning too. I am not bad with it...just bad with findig the time. But he is guilty... he certainly is!


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...