Thursday, August 10, 2023

50th anniversary

 Well, I finally found out who Josine is and what her address is.  After checking everything I could think of, it finally dawned on me that she might be a member of the League of Extraordinary PenPals so I checked the database and there she was, address and everything, so I was able to reply to her very nice letter.

* * * *

As of this week...not sure which day, possibly the 1st or 2nd of August, we have been in this house for 50 years.  As my friend David says, "it's time to dust."

I was reading my book, "How I Did It" and remember now what a terrible first day it was.  We had spent the night at a motel with David while the other kids were at my mother's.  In the morning we had breakfast at the Nut Tree and then got to the house around 9, waiting for the movers to arrive with our stuff.

We had two trucks--a big one and a small one.  The small one arrived with the news that the big one broke down and they were  trying to find a new cab to bring it u here.  It finally arrived shortly before noon and the guys were here until 7 or 8 unloading.  We had grandparents here and around 9 everyone left.  Jeri and Ned were in tears because they wanted to go back to Terra Linda with my parents, Paul was in tears because Grandma didn't read him a story.  Tom had hurt himself and was crying.  David was just crying because he was tired and I was crying because everyone else was crying.

When we finally got the kids settled and asleep, I faced the monumental task of putting away the kitchen stuff, which the movers had unpacked and which covered every available inch of surface and spilled onto the floor.  It seemed insurmountable, but I wanted the kids to get up in the morning and see a room that looked like "home" and not like a room full of boxes.  A few hours of concentrated effort paid off and it finally got put away.  I also straightened up Jeri's room and put her favorite toys out, as well as some of her books, figuring that she might feel better if she woke up in a more orderly existence.  I stumbled into bed at 3  a.m., but felt I had accomplished quite a lot and gotten us on the road to being settled at any rate.

None of us wanted to move here, but the kids settled in as soon as school started.  For me, it took 15 years before Davis felt like "home."  But it feels like home now and the Bay Area seems strange.  We arrived here as one of the newcomers to town and now we are one of the old timers.




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Butt…butt…. E

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