Monday, November 13, 2023

More Barbra

I don't know why anybody could get the book of Barbra Streisand's autobiography.  I have the kindle version (which has more photos than the book) and I also have the audio book, which I was able to get for essentially free on Audible.  

I've been listening to the audio book and my much you get from listening to her reading about her life.  But the best part of the audio book is that here and there when she talks about various songs, she plays the recording.  Now THAT's nothing you're going to get in a book.

After I listen to a chapter, I stop and go to Kindle and go through that chapter page by page to see the photos that are used, then back to the next chapter in audio.

Stephen Colbert is doing an interview with her tonight and I'm going to be curious to see what he gets from her,  As I write this, I'm in Chapter 10 (of >50) and it is fascinating.  The chapter on Funny Girl on Broadway is amazing.  Nobody will ever have had any idea about how terrible that show was because of her co-star, Sydney Chaplin (Charlie's son), who was upset with her for not continuing with a romantic relationship and spent the rest of the run (many months) literally torturing her on stage at every performance.

I am thoroughly enjoying this story. 




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