Saturday, November 25, 2023

He's alive!

I was so happy to receive a note from my old boyfriend this morning.  I dated Bill for 4 years, through high school, until he decided to become a Jesuit brother (not a priest).  We kept in contact intermittently over the years and many years ago, when all my kids were still at home, he came to dinner here, which seemed strange...we were both so old.  He now lives in a monastery.

For the last 20 or so years, we have communicated once a year, sending Christmas greetings.  He always gets his card out right after Thanksgiving and it is usually the first Christmas card I get.  I send our annual Christmas letter and try to have it written and sent to him the day after Thanksgiving.  We are about half and half who gets their greeting to the other first.

But  this year I still don't have my Christmas letter finished and when I get it finished, Jeri will put it in pdf form so it's going to be mid-December before I send it out.  Given our ages, I decided I should send him an email to let him know that I'd be sending it out late.  He's had some physical problems in the last couple of years and when I didn't hear back from him for 2 days, I started looking up obituaries.  I remember when my friend Sister Anne died and it was six months before the convent let me know she was gone.  They sent me a letter after I sent her Ned and Marta's wedding invitation.

So I don't know if others at the monastery know that Bill and I have this friendship and if they would think to let me know when he dies and we have no other mutual friends who would let me know.  He's on my list of people to contact that I gave to Ned for after I die.  Isn't it terrible that you have to start thinking of things like this at this age?

I was going to try the web site for the monastery to see if there was any news of his death when an email came from he's still alive and I was happy to hear from him.  

& & & & &

I got a TWO in Wordle this morning.  My average is 4 and I'm always amazed when I get 3, but 2??? What was weird about it was that I woke up with a word in my head -- isn't it terrible when you are so involved in a game that you dream about it?  Anyway, the word was "ghost" which is nothing like the first word I ever use, but I decided I should try it and by goodness, my second guess was the answer!  I'm going to have to dream about Wordle more often.




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Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...