Friday, November 3, 2023

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

(Don't remember where I stole this...)

A - Ambition: To sleep all night

B - Birthday: I will be 81 in a few months

C - Computer:  I learned on an Apple, but when I needed to use a PC for work, I stopped using the apple and when I bought my next computer it was a PC.  I've used Apples since then and they drive me nuts.

D - Dream:  Lately I am dreaming, which I never did before.

E - Exercise:  Excuse me?

F - Favorite Food:  Dungeness crab.  If my father were still alive, I'd say his potato salad which is THE BEST and which I've never been able to duplicate.

G - Garden:  Ned planted tomatoes.  We got about a dozen cherry tomatoes

H - Hobby: Writing letters

I - Idol:  I don't really have an idol, but I admire Rachel Maddow a lot.

J - Job:  Retired

K - Kids: 3 living, in their 50s; 2 no longer living

L - Location:  No. California

M - Military: Nope

N - Name or Nickname:  Bev, Mom or Grandma

O - Optimist or Pessimist:  Depends.  Optimist on most things; Pessimist on politics

P - Pets:  Bubba (dog)

Q - Quote: "loving and losing: different by only one letter and a million degrees of pain"
                            -- Jessica Katoff

R - Reads: Crime/mysteries, (auto)biographies, books about animals (especially elephants), and any good novel with a good plot (like the "Outlander" series)

S - School:  Not since 1962

T - Travel:  24 countries

U - Unfulfilled ambition:  Travel to Africa

V - Vacation spot:  I have loved the trips we have taken to London.

W - Wardrobe:  casual

X - X-tra facts about me:  I love hot coffee and ice cold water.  I am a TV addict.

Y - Years online:  Shortly after 1986.

Z - Zodiac sign:  Aquarius


Bubba loves to sleep in the sun



  1. Writing letters is something I did a lot in the 1970s and 1980s, but it's fallen by the wayside with email.

    1. email is too short. Letters can be several pages long.

  2. Pessimist on politics. Me too - politicians should never be trusted. I don't think I've written a personal letter for years (though I have to banks, solicitors etc.).




  3. Shortly after 1986. Wow. Of course, being rural we were late to everything. I still have DSL!

    1. i only remember the approximate date because my friend died in 1986 and it was shortly after that that I learned about the internet and thought how sad it was that he never had the chance to explore.

  4. Aha..a fellow Aquarius! sleep all night... Would that be nice!


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...