Saturday, December 16, 2023

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from LEP

1. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
It's hard to come up with a "best."  When I was  growing up, the best gift I ever got was my first camera, when I was 10.  I determined I was going to record everything in my life...and to look at the scrapbooks around this house, I pretty much have done that over the past 70 years!

2. What is the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
Well, now that my mother is dead, I can admit that I hated the fake fur jacket she got me one year.  She was so excited about it.  I was babysitting one night and saw a jacket like that on TV and just knew that somehow she had bought it.  It never fit right, I hated the way it looked and I was glad when I no longer had an excuse to wear it.  I never told her, of course, how much I disliked it.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?
"Silver Bells." and "The Grassy Noel"

4. Does your family have any favorite holiday traditions?
When the kids were growing up, we took a "train picture" every year.


5. What is your favorite Christmas snack?
I don't remember any specific Christmas snacks, but my godfather always brought a 2 lb box of See's candy when he came to dinner and we passed that around after dinner.

6. Did you believe in Santa growing up?

7. How early do you start decorating?
I never really "decorated" other than the tree.  Now that Ned's here, he has lights out in front of the house and has made sure that the manger my father built (for which Jeri made the characters) is displayed.

8. Are you an early or last-minute shopper?
I pretty much shop all year and try to have everything either HERE or ordered by early December.  I only have two more gifts to arrive but I know they have been mailed.

9. Would you rather give or receive gifts?
Give.  I love finding the right gift for someone.

10. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
Miracle on 34th Street (the original), followed closely by White Christmas.

11. What is one of your Christmas memories?
I love remembering the shows the kids did every Christmas (the "Egg Nog Gala"), with skits,  instrumental music, singing and David's famous "Deck the Halls."  

12. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
We did when I was growing up and we let the kids open one gift on Christmas Eve, but no more.






  1. I have a picture, with my baby sister (5 years younger) and a color pic of my other sister (16 months younger) and I both on Santa's lap.

  2. Happy Holidays to you, Bev. I'm still envious that you get to have a cold Christmas over there - here, it's too hot. I forgot all about A Miracle on 34th Street - another good film.

  3. Happy Holidays, Bev (as you say across the pond). The camera is a great present - I never had one until I was 18 and I bought it myself. I had to rely on my old man's.




  4. We did the "open one gift on Christmas Eve" thing, too.


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...