Saturday, March 23, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from Swap Bot


1. If you could witness any event from history, what would it be?
It would be nice to be at the birth of Jesus.

2. What do you think about conspiracy theories?
They are mostly interesting, but have most been proven false...though it would be nice to know what really happened on November 22, 1963.

3. Do you like cartoons? Do you have /had a favorite one?
I don't generally read cartoons, but I enjoy Peanuts.

4. What did you most dislike in school times?
In grammar school, math classes and recess.

5. What sounds are in your opinion relaxing? The sound of the sea? Traffic? Vacuum cleaner? Combine harvester on the field? Some kind of music? Birds singing? ...
I love the sound of the ocean.

6. What was the last thing you read?
A book called "Saving Sadie" by Joal Derse Dauer

7. What is one thing that has stumped you so hard you won't ever forget it?
Trump cultists.

8. What are you interested in that most people aren’t?
Gilbert & Sullivan

9. What’s something you really resent paying for?
postage stamps!  (I don't mind buying stamps but it seems like the cost goes up every few months and I send SO MUCH mail!)

10. If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?
I don't know...I've always been happy to have been raised in the 1950s.

11. What's one question you would ask Superman?
Now that phone booths are being removed, where do you change into your costume?

12. What's your favorite smell? What's your least favorite smell?
I love the smell of puppy breath and brewing coffee.  I smelled Durian once and that was enough!

13. How do you feel about cars becoming fully autonomous and having no steering wheel, breaks, or accelerators?
I would be very uncomfortable riding in one.

14. What are your favorite books and authors?
John Steinbeck is my favorite author and "East of Eden" his favorite of mine.
I also love all of Harlan Coben's books, Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series, and anything Bill Bryson writes is fun to read.
David Gerrold is my favorite sci fi author.

15. Have you had a reading or palm reading done?
No, never, but it's interesting that I learned my mother's mother read palms at fairs when her kids were young.



I love my new shirt



  1. This was interesting and your shirt made me laugh! My husband and went to Monterey a couple of years ago and we saw a statue tribute to John Steinbeck. I think I have that book you mentioned. I love James Michener!

  2. It would be nice to be at the birth of Jesus! I enjoyed your answers!!

  3. I noted 11/22/1963 too! You hated recess?

    1. Yeah. I wanted to sit and read during recess, but the nuns made me get up and join games...I was terrible at gams.

  4. I like your answer to number 7. Wish I'd thought of that!

  5. Ah yes - JFK. There is so much misinformation out there about his assassination.

    Great question for Superman.




  6. JFK's demise is one of the great mysteries - unless you believe the news narrative. Which I actually do, so I am not a JFK conspiracy theorist. But I have been wrong about many things.

  7. Too bad the post office can't give you a discount for being such a loyal customer. I doubt many others can say they send "so much mail" these days.


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...