Monday, April 8, 2024

Can't eat, can't drink, can't see, can't hear

 Today I had an MRI as a follow up to my gallbladder surgery last year and to see if I need another colonoscopy.  You have to fast for at least 5 hours beforehand, so I didn't have anything after about 10 p.m., when I had a mandarin orange.  It wasn't as difficult to skip coffee in the morning, but I sure wanted water badly.

We started for Kaiser around 10 and stopped first at the hall that Ned takes care of.  He wanted  to check and see if there were any mice in the traps that he set. He traps mice live and then takes them across the road to the field and releases them.  A few mice have died in the traps and he felt so bad about that he's been studying what mice eat and drink, so he can set the traps up so that they can live there for a few days if he doesn't check the traps every day.  I have to admit I was so pleased hearing him talk about the mice and how he doesn't want to kill them.  I thought "somewhere I did something right!"  

The drive out to Kaiser was beautiful.  Everything looked so green and the orchards were so impressive.  I know it's because I almost never go out into the country and it probably doesn't look any different from what I've always seen it, but it just looked so beautiful today--and the weather was perfect.  

You can't bring anything metal into the room with the MRI, so I left my hearing aids at home, which meant I couldn't hear anything people were saying to me and had to keep reminding them that they needed to speak louder.  I did keep my glasses, but took them off when they took me to the dressing room and put them in my purse, which I gave to Walt to keep for me.  So that meant I couldn't see and I couldn't hear.

I'm also too big for the MRI machine...or almost too big.  They did manage to get me set up and I was able to be slid into the tube, but it was very, very tight.  I am slightly claustrophobic, but I kept my eyes closed so I couldn't see how close I was to the top of the tube.  It was 20 minutes of banging and other sounds, with the table moving in and out.  Each time they started to move it out, I was afraid I would get caught and not be able to be pulled out. But it was finally over and then I had to figure out how to let the guy help me to sit body was very sore.  I had to find my way out to the waiting room without glasses, which was interesting, since I couldn't read the signs.

It's done and we'll see what my doctor has to say and whether I need another colonoscopy or not.  When Ned picked me up he had a bottle of water in the car and I was thrilled to have water to drink

We drove home and stopped at the strawberry stand where they pick strawberries every day, which just recently opened for the season...their strawberries are so much better than what you get in the stores.  So we have strawberries and Marta might be making a strawberry cheesecake.  Ned also bought tomatoes, which taste like tomatoes, not like whatever those red things in the supermarket taste like.  One of my favorite sandwiches is a tomato sandwich -- soft white bread, mayonnaise and sliced tomatoes, so I had a tomato sandwich and a bowl of strawberries...and lots of water...for lunch.

Walt and I settled in and watched the news coverage of the eclipse, since we were at Kaiser and couldn't watch it live.  His sister and her husband went to Texas to see it, and Jeri said that there was 95% totality eclipse in Boston, which she was able to see.




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Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...