Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Stealing


I am it possible to write a note on my entries?  I'm wondering if people can't post a note. If you can't, please write to me at so at least I know why I have not had any comments at all for weeks.

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from League of Extraordinary Pen Pals

1. How would your pet describe you
She has a soft lap and she sometimes feeds me.  She always feeds  the squirrels and I try to chase them.

2.. Tell us a story...
Little Miss Muffet,
She sat on a tuffet,
There came a great spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

3.. What do you pack in your beach / hiking bag
Well, I don't go to the beach or go hiking, but if I did, I'd have a snack, something soft to sit on, and a book (mostly for the beach)

4.. How do you like to spend great weather week 
In  the house with the air conditioner going!

5.. Describe a time when the circumstances fell in your favor|
I answered an ad asking for someone to help put together the history of a theater company for its 25th anniversary.  That changed my life.  I helped write the book, stayed on working with the company, made some of my best friends, wrote a second book, etc.

6.. Which summer sounds do you enjoy
I can't think of any sounds I hear from inside the house.

7.. It’s not really summer until ...
The temps get up into the 90s.  And the strawberry patch opens.

8.. What music are you listening to these days
Not really anything.

9.. How much has changed since last summer
I'm using my walker more.

10. What are your favorite things to wear in summer
lightweight pants, t-shirts, and Birkenstocks

11. What do you miss about winter
The cold weather and the rain.

12. How would you spend summer vacation as an adult
Well, I AM an adult and these days we don't really do summer vacations other than going to Santa Barbara over 4th of July week to celebrate our son's birthday.

13. Describe your ideal get together/party
Sitting around having drinks and hors d'oeuvres and then a group dinner. I'm going to a party today and I'll see how that goes!

14. What makes you feel like part of your community
I don't do that much these days, but I have written so many different columns and reviews for the newspaper that it's nice that people recognize my name when they hear it.

15. How was your July 2024?
Quiet, other than our trip to Santa Barbara.



  1. I like "The League of Extraordinary Penpals" phrase. (Because of the way I have my web browser configured, it is a few extra steps to comment some places these days.)

  2. So many around the country joining you in missing the cold with all the hot weather! I also run when a spider sits down next to me!

  3. It seems like I can leave a comment.

  4. I haven't had a problem posting on your blog, so I hope you can see this. I hope you enjoyed your party.

  5. You and I agree on the tshirts and birkenstocks! I wear shorts instead of pants. I RARELY wear pants in the summertime. I either have on shorts or a dress.

  6. This week in DC, I used a cane more often bc I was walking more.


Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...