Sunday, October 20, 2024

doctor day

 I had  long day at Kaiser on Friday.  The doctor said she wanted to see the blister on my leg.  Ned and I got t o Kaiser shortly before my appointment, but I was so slow he went and got a wheelchair to push me around in.  What a difference!  Ned is so great.  He thinks of everything, has great ideas for how to do things, talks to the doctor (who is from Bangladesh and Ive never been able to understand her accent), asks the right questions, understands what is suggested of all...takes pictures for me to put in my journal.

We got the blister examined and a (nurse? doctor?) cleaned it up and got it all dressed, showing Ned how to change the dressing, and asking us to come back in a week,

Then I had t old the doctor of my new problem, being unable to lift anything with any weight on it (even something like my coffee cup), unable to take milk down from a high shclf in the refrigerator, soe she sent me for an x-ray.

After the x-ray, I went to get blood work done.  They asked if I could give a urine sample, but I could feel that I needed to have a bowel movement, which is difficult to have without my bidet, so I said I could not...and then going out to the car, I couldn't hold the bowel movement, so had to go in my pants.

We came home and Ned did a good clean up for me.  I was so incredibly grateful for all he did.

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Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he ...