Monday, February 17, 2025

Turning 82

 What a fabulous 82nd birthday .  It started with Marta going downtown to get fresh bagels for breakfast.  I had nice chats with Jeri and Tom and a box of chocolates from Jeri was delivered. Ned’s show turned out to be for my birthday, with music I like, phone calls from the granddaughters and Steve Schalchlin.  Ned went to Costco and got huge crab legs for dinner.  And we had cheesecake for dessert. 

I feel very special.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

How things are

 Jeri tells me I need to get something other than “butt butt” written.  So here is how things are going. I’m

pretty much house bound now.  I spend my time in bed or in my recliner.  NoW that Ned has found me a tv table it’s great to be able to type more easily, though I can’t print unless I go into my office.  

Ned is doing such a great job taking care of me.  If he were not here I would not be able to stay in the house.  I am so grateful for all he’s doing.  

Monday I will turn 82.  How did I get so old?  Walt will be 85 at the end of the month.  

Jeri and I have a long distance book club going and have read and discussed several books.  It’s fun having someone to talk books with.  

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Butt…butt…. E

 I put on pants today.  I had developed bed sores from sitting in my recliner for weeks and Ned decided that in addition to the ointment he was using I should keep my pants off. Everybody in the house has been seeing my bare butt for days. (And it’s helping, fortunately). But I wanted to work in my office so I had to actually put pants on.

I actually worked for an hour and a half before my butt hurt so much I had to quit but I did get some stuff done, including sending letters to each of my 15 Compassion kids ( thanks to their email system which allows me to copy letters to other kids).  I didn’t get any real letters written (which I hoped to do ) but I did spend 30 minutes longer than I have done in the last month. 

But now my butt hurts again and I guess it’s time to bare my butt again. 

Ned and Marta have gone off for several days and my caregivers are Jeri and Phil. 

Turning 82

 What a fabulous 82nd birthday .  It started with Marta going downtown to get fresh bagels for breakfast.  I had nice chats with Jeri and To...