Sunday, May 12, 2024

A strange reunion


We went to a concert on Friday.  And it was also a big reunion.  Stephen Peithman (middle) was once the commentator of a series of fund-raising concerts for a group called Citizens Who Care, that we went to every year.  Every performer was a friend and Steve told stories of composers and directors of Broadway shows.  I'm not sure how many of these yearly concerts there were, but they eventually stopped and there haven't been any in maybe 20 years (that's what someone I talked with at Friday's concert said).

**Read Stephen's's pretty amazing; he is one of the people I love to listen to in conversation with pretty much anybody)**

Anyway, on Friday Steve and two of the regulars, Joe Alkire and Lenore Sebastian, with LuAnn Higgs (Jeri's piano teacher's daughter) at the piano did a show singing "great songs from unfortunate musicals."  It was a fun concert, but mainly it was a big reunion of people who had been involved with the Davis Comic Opera Company, which we were part of for most of its life. 

These are all people that we have not least since COVID, but probably long before that, and so many of them greeted me by name and I was terribly embarrassed that I couldn't recognize anybody!  well, a couple of people I recognized, but most of the people that I should have known very well were strangers.  Some had gained a lot of weight, some had lost a lot of weight, some now had grey hair or just looked older.

But I have to admit that as I looked around the room at all these people who knew me by sight, whom I didn't  recognize, I realized what it must be like to have Alzheimer's and not be able to recognize your loved ones.  I knew three of the people performing, but even knowing her and looking at her picture as I sit here writing this, I can't recognize Lenore Sebastian, whom I've known forever.  And the only reason I knew her husband, who has gained some weight, was because I saw him with her.

I had a very long chat with someone who has been a friend for most of our time here in Davis, who employed many of our kids and whom we see periodically downtown.  He was wearing a baseball cap and maybe it was the hat, but I didn't recognize his face.  I knew who he was, of course, but his face just didn't look familiar.  But on the other hand, his mother-in-law, whom I barely know, joined our conversation and I recognized her immediately.  Go figure!

I also chatted with a friend, whom I know well, and she was sitting next to someone I barely know...but I not only recognized her, but even knew her name.

I've gotta get out more!!!




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