Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Big Race

For some reason I can no longer comment on my own entries, so I was not able to respond to the people who commented that they still read this journal every day, but thank you all of you!


San Francisco recently held its annual Bay to Breakers race.  This is a 12K race, from one side of San Francisco to the other, from the Embarcadero to the Ocean Beach.  It has been run every year since 1912 (except possibly the COVID year).

Some start the race very young.

People come in all sorts of costumes

Some don't bother wearing anything at all.

I've never participated.  I've never watched, except for on the news at night, but I'm always tickled at the news reports and hearing the weird things that happen.

Monk had an episode featuring the Bay the Breakers.  Someone was murdered by a guy who supposedly ran the whole race and couldn't possibly have killed her.  All the runners have some sort of counter to wear during the race (not sure where the nude guys wear theirs) so that at the end of the race they can check the computer and make sure the runner actually ran the race.  According to the counter, the killer had run the race and in a good time, too.

Monk finally figured out that he had parked his car near the race, and attached his counter to the back of the TV truck he was following that was covering the most famous runner, so he could leave the race, drive to his girlfriend's apartment, kill her and return to the race.

(Logic makes me think that if he was driving from the race and back again, with parking what it is in the city, would he be able to find a parking place at either his girlfriend's or near the race itself?).  But Monk was able to prove what he'd done and another crime was solved.

I love that San Francisco has such a weird event like the Bay to Breakers.


The finish line


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