Wednesday, July 19, 2023


What a busy, creative day I had today.  For one thing I slept in until after 8, so I was starting out well rested.

I wanted to work on the swap I've been putting together, the "Getting to Know You Magpie Journal" which I've been putting together for the last several days -- I'll explain it a little later.  But first I wanted to write the letter for the swap "Questionable letter??"  In this swap, you're supposed to write a letter of at least 2 pages in which you not only talk about yourself, but also put in several questions for your partner to respond, if she feels like it.

When I checked the profile of my partner, I discovered that other than the fact that she's in her 30s, we had so much in common.  When I looked at the list of the swaps she is doing (and hosting), we are doing several of the same swaps and, in fact, the "Getting to Know You" journal swap is one that she is hosting.  She also says in her profile that she likes long letters, so I just let myself go and ended up with a 5 page typed letter that asks a lot of questions, many of which came from the journal.  I got the letter finished around lunch time.

Then I came back to the journal.  In this journal you are supposed to answer 20 questions (out of a list of 100) and illustrate the answers.  I started the journal by handwriting, but gave up quickly and typed the whole thing and pasted it in the book.  But I had such fun.  With all my stickers, I had to write about my hobbies (collecting stickers) and that page was easy to decorate.

There was a question about my favorite family tradition and I always remember the years that we had Thanksgiving at Lake Tahoe and always played charades after dinner, when Walt's mother was still with us...and how much we laughed at her inability to act out anything without speaking.                                                                                                                                                                     

and I was tickled to find a question about whether or not I was related to anybody famous, which gave me the chance to tell the story of Ben Kilpatrick, who was a member of Butch Cassidy's Hole in the Wall Gang.

I had so much time putting this all together that it took all afternoon and the book is now finished except for some graphics that I will add when my next Temu order arrives.

At the end of the day I am feeling very creative!                                                                                                                   




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